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Greatest Privilege of All
This is the greatest privilege of all for me. I've found a real faith, been allowed to share it, and watch people take their share. I'm getting it back from you folks just as real and solid as I gave it. This is enough to die for.

I wanted to share something that simply does not feel like it belongs on the blog. No secrets or playing keep away, but this belongs to a slightly different audience.

If you've taken a look at any of the stuff I've written about Q and the troll army, and chased any links, you may be aware that they are selling this as some kind of "Great Awakening." Give me a moment while I retch. Trump is not the second coming of Christ, nor is he some divine emperor. But what bothers me most is that this looks, sounds and smells just like fascism. There are an awful lot of good things folks can do with this whole movement stuff, but this isn't just happy noise -- they take this seriously when they refer to a Great Awakening.

I'm praying that it not turn that corner into darkness.

Not because I fear what comes with that, but because it will mean a very harsh testing for our family of faith. It's like praying that "your flight not be in winter." May the Lord grant us mercy.
Senior elder at
I wouldn't be surprised. Multicultural democracies transform into fascism eventually. If it benefits one's own interest, we don't really call it fascism, Instead it's rationalized as something more palatable, while the people on the other end of the stick see it much differently, though. Most people want some form of authoritarianism anyway; it just depends on who is doing the...fascisting? This is why the modern nation-state is such a failure: large groups of people will most likely want different things, and a governing body can't serve all interests, so it becomes a competition between varying interests groups to see who gets to steer the bus.
Church elder at

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