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Egad! I watched the Notre Dame Cathedral fire feetage today and I had the same reaction to it as I did on 9/11. I worked second shift and I got to sleep in that morning because Nana and Papa had our then 9 month old son, I woke up around 11:00am and turned on the TV while I got my coffee. The FNC was showing the towers collapsing etc and I thought I was watching a movie at first and then it started to sink in. Anyway, it gave me the same surreal feeling when I saw the spire collapse and thought "mmm... ain't that symbolic of the collapse of Christianity in Western Europe over the last century" well that sums it up, my actual thunk rattled around a bit before it coalesced. I'm incapable of organized critical thinking without pen and paper or discussing it out loud with the me's. I quit Reason as a guide, it's a big fat liar pbssshw! It's okay to have the trait of being reasonable or being rational obeying God's commands that originate from Him to ones heart. Like using arithmetic. To obey an irrational, from the human viewpoint, command from God is altogether reasonable. Such statements make Reason Christians livid. I know because I used to say stuff like that on Wednesday nights knowing that it would trigger a response from one particular dude, every time. Mmm... I haven't been in a while, I  think I'll go just to raise Dwight's BP, yes definitely. He could use a good apoplexy. It may just be coincidence but, it's statistically provable that; 1919 was the beginning of the end of C in W E. Christianity is dead in Europe and it will never be back. Europe is the religion of Europe. The dominant Faith in WE is Islam. I know of one person that I went to school with who I can say is one of us in practice, although I am not sure he is aware of it. God says so. The Last Christian in Britain, now there's a BBC documentary title for ya! I can hear it in that weird English TV speak "The Lahst Christian in BRItain" emphasis on the first syllable of the lahst WIIIRD or on the last word if the lahst word has only one SYLLable.
And last night we already had the conflict between the official pronouncement that it was an accident versus one Jesuit priest who worked inside saying that staff set the fire intentionally.
Senior elder at
I don't trust legacy media explanations. The first thing they said was that it's related to rennovation work. There's no way in hell anyone could know the cause so early in the incident; heck, the incident wasn't even finished when "rennovation" was concluded. I don't usually smell something fishy by default but this time I am.

(^ in response to Ed's response)
Church elder at
Here we go again. 
If it wasn't accidental and such things do actually happen in the real world, it was a Muslim worker acting out of devotion to Allah. They do shit like that without prompting, barbarism is in their DNA. The French government WOULD conspire to keep that secret because that would be a threat to their suicidal race, class, gender political practices. Imagine the French people in their righteous anger booting out the barbarian horde. Ain't gonna happen but, I'm sure there are vilified sections of Frenchmen who are patriots and would like to see that happen. 
  I would like to see every the invasion on our southern border ended. The way to do that would be to put a bounty of $20/ Mexican scalp within 20 miles of the border. The "20 for 20 Program". HORROR!!! I'm just saying what would be necessary to stop an invasion. The Mexicans would shoot back and we could wipe them out. Everyone wins, even Mexico because they could send their undesirables into killzone.
See what a wonderful world it would be if I were in charge.
I've already said in other places that about the only way to stop our invasion is to treat it like one. I agree that French officials would hide the truth, since they've downplayed all the other historic cathedrals being trashed and burned over the past few years. That stuff isn't being reported here, either. Oh, and I believe Macron demanded that half the workforce on the Notre Dame renovation had to be immigrants.
Senior elder at
(04-16-2019, 07:46 PM)Ed Hurst Wrote: I've already said in other places that about the only way to stop our invasion is to treat it like one. I agree that French officials would hide the truth, since they've downplayed all the other historic cathedrals being trashed and burned over the past few years. That stuff isn't being reported here, either. Oh, and I believe Macron demanded that half the workforce on the Notre Dame renovation had to be immigrants.
Oh, and I believe Macron demanded that half the workforce on the Notre Dame renovation had to be immigrants.
Naturally. I almost enjoy their self immolation...ooh good one Mr Iain, thank you sir, it's what I'm here for. Apologies, I was talking to myself.

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