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Prayer for a friend.
The right thing to do varies. One thing can be right and wrong depending on who is involved. It can vary for one person depending on the situation. We know this and rely on the voice of God in our hearts to determine our course. I have no doubts and rarely fret "did I do the right thing? ". If I screw up, I'll know soon enough and take my lumps. When I'm right, ah Blessings yummy. Some can't or won't see grey, the earthly realm is full of grey, there is never an action that pleases everyone. This means some saved people lose out on the greater blessing by hiding the masters talent under the floor. American Fundamentalists, Evies and Holy Rollers sell their adherents a false reality, falsality (I love inventing wurdz). Where there is universal right and wrong, the absolute shall. How can someone possibly grow confined to such a prison, (shaking my head) I thank God, I was set free. 
  Ok, my buddy has a decision to make and because he/she/it comes from the latter background. They cannot make up their mind because they are worried that God will "smite them". Coming from a broader sensibility. The choice is absolutely the right one, I can see Immediate and lasting blessing in  it. It can't get over the threshold because of their Arminian, decision salvation makes them reluctant to "step on" a goat on the way through. Pray please. 
 There are sheep, goats, wheat and trees. I sense the "step" in this case is actually a wolf in sheeps clothing, rotten fruit in abundance. 
PS. I decided to start attending Wednesday night meetings again. Pray 4 that too, I have an obligation to these people and have to at least give it one more try. "Good Luck, T". Blessings and Abundance of Joy in transit, arrival after you receive this!
PPS. Oh, forgot. I hate seeing people miss out on blessings because of bad theology ,  it's not there fault, people will go with the herd they were raised in and it's hard for them to go outside their life experience. You wanna shake'm "Dude, just Do It, if this other person gets hurt, God can fix them just like He did you" SHEESH! The things we do fer these people.
Ha ha. Yep, we do all we can as we can when we can if the Lord pokes, we jump right in. Blessings to your endeavors, dear friend!
Yeah, it's a really tough job getting folks to hear their own convictions. I've struggled with teaching it over the years, and there's no shortcut for an awful lot of people.
Senior elder at
Yeah, I'll say me piece as best I can, after that my hands are "clean". They can take it from there.

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