02-20-2019, 12:04 PM
I got another abscess I've been using natural remedies fresh squeezed garlic oil, organic apple cider vinegar (extraordinarily unpleasant). I use antibiotics as a last resort and that's where I'm at now. We now have dental insurance so, I'm gonna get started on getting my mouth rendered tooth free. The Dental profession's "SAVE THE TOOTH!" obsession is dangerous to overall good health. A root canal is dead and dead flesh connected to living tissue is never found a good thing. I am a kook but, on this I'm with a growing group of seriously papered Dental experts, in California no less. I saw it on Netflix, long enough to say "Finally, some sense". None of the expensive tooth saving dentistry done on my mouth saved a tooth. TRUTH some people have very durable teeth, some don't. In my family it's a crap shoot, my Grandfather had full dentures at 25, my Grandmother died at 104 with only her wisdom teeth pulled. Wisdom teeth were like tonsils back in the day. "Sore throat? Those tonsils gotta come out. Wisdom teeth? Gotta yank 'em". I have my tonsils by pure chance. The Doctor I saw when I had tonsillitis was fresh out of Med School "No, Mrs Helton, we don't need to take out his tonsils, give him one of these three times a day and he'll be fine". Good ol' reliable Science. Supreme God in the Western Pantheon who clawed his way to the top by kicking the God of Individual Liberty in the nads. I think I'll draw a chart of the current Western God Pantheon. A task that will require GASP! pencil and paper!