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Politics and Oligarchies
It's mostly a big joke, if you ask me. If you don't laugh, you'll cry. Nothing good comes from human politics.

Part of the reason for a very cynical view of American politics is that there is a very obvious massive facade trying to prevent us from discussing the real issues. I spotted this article by Wayne Lusvardi saying that this next election has very little to do with the candidates, but is more about the oligarchies behind either candidate. More to the point, it's Big Tech oligarchies. He suggests that this coming election is Zuckerberg versus Musk, with other Big Tech names lining up on either side. They are associated with Democrats and Republicans, respectively. What I do agree with is that the rise of more advanced technology is little more than a new tool of oppression.
Senior elder at
"What I do agree with is that the rise of more advanced technology is little more than a new tool of oppression."

Yes, this whole thing is bringing to the forefront what has been going on for....  ever!  Those with power and wealth conniving in whatever means they have at their disposal to take control of the masses.  And with the world's dependence on technology, well, there ya go!

It's the billionaires against the billionaires.  Anyone have any popcorn?

Yes, I do have a little bit of wit/sarcasm in me.
Ditto to Linda and Ed's comments above. With all the noise about "cyber attacks" it would seem that might not be helpful to these technocrats. If the internet should go down for more than a few days their control grid would be in serious jeopardy and most of the world would be summarily paralyzed.
There are many layers of the onion to our national and world politics. As far as knowing what's really going on we're on a need to know basis, and it's been determined we don't need to know ...

The principalities, powers and rulers of the darkness of this world are playing out their part, knowing that at the appearing of the Son of man in his Glory the jig is up.

In this present evil darkness it's Gods peoples time to shine, unfortunately our western institutional "churches" have shown themselves to be as clueless as the lost, deceived, at least partially deceived.

This present age soon will be passing away, be faithful to the end brothers and sisters!

Soon the darkness, deception and malice will flee away and all will be light, truth and love.

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