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Nothing urgent here, but something to note. A few weeks ago I had a hearing test done, because the hearing in my left ear has gone down gradually in the last few years. It turns out I have otosclerosis, where one of the three hearing bones (the stapes) doesn't vibrate like it should. It's often inherited, but not always. I think my dad might have had it.

In a way, I'm glad it's otosclerosis because I unwisely almost never wore earplugs when playing in bands, and it would've been poor choices in my part that caused the hearing loss.

There's two options, besides doing nothing: a hearing aid or surgery. I am going to try the hearing aid first to see if I'm okay with it. Surgery works most of the time but there's a rare chance--somewhere around 1% max--I could go deaf in that one ear. 

Linda - that's one reason why I had asked you about someone accompanying me for outpatient surgery the other day on the call. I would need someone to drive me home after this surgery. It looks like surgery would have to wait until I figure that out, if I wanted the surgery.

There's a few more tests and appointments to do, so none of this is 100%. Please pray with me that the doctors and staff have the wisdom they need to help me through this. The ENT doctor and his staff that I went to for the testing were pretty good, so I am hoping that trend continues.
Church elder at
I'm glad you don't know that song, "Doom, Despair and Agony on Me". Having mortal weaknesses is part of being alive. The only question is how to live with it, and you are already on that track. May the Lord grant you an easy path on this issue.
Senior elder at
Interesting diagnosis and yes I can agree with your relief that you are not responsible for the hearing damage!  Lol

I wish I lived closer - at least within a 3 hour drive or so.  Then we could plan a reunion of sorts for me and my birth city - Pittsburgh.  Maybe even take in a Pirates game!!!   Then I could be your driver.  (:^)

So, in view of that, we all need to truly ask and pray to receive Grace from our Lord to provide you with a means.

In the meantime, check with your primary care provider's office and see if they are aware of any non-emergent medical transportation services.  I know there is Uber-Health, but I think that is for doctors to help arrange for transportation to those who do not drive or have help with that.

God bless you and, as usual, keep us posted!  Smile
I will look into the Uber Health idea, but it sounds like that would be able to help me if that's what it does. Regardless, that's not something I need to worry about soon, because the hearing aid may work just fine for me.

I may also check out having the procedure done in Massachusetts, because I'd have two sisters there that would be able to help. I may also try Iowa because my brother is there, but he and his wife aren't as available.

So, there are some things to consider. But I will see what God sends my way in the meantime.
Church elder at
Praying with you Jay for a good outcome no matter which road you decide to travel.
Update: today I went to the audiologist to buy a hearing aid to try out. I have a follow up appointment in a few weeks to get fitted and test drive it. She (audiologist) said I have mild hearing loss in my right ear, so she suggested I might want one for the other ear if my left ends up being too "good" compared to my right. Interesting. I opted for just the left for now but I may try the right later on.

Another blessing to boast about: she said my insurance was extraordinary and the out of pocket wouldn't end up being much.
Church elder at
Amen to good insurance, and I'm glad there is a path to keep on living normally.
Senior elder at
Amen absolutely to good insurance and your low copay....  what a blessing indeed!
I got my hearing aid on Monday. It's pretty good, but takes some getting used to. When I got home from the audiologist, I was shocked by how much I don't hear ambiently, especially noise I make when I move around the house. At first I thought "am I really this stupidly loud all the time?"

I wore it today at work and everything went well. It's actually more convenient because it doubles as a bluetooth device, so I can dial into meetings or call, then switch to the music on my phone very easily. Even when something is streaming, it still picks up real-world sounds, like a normal ear.

After a while I felt overstimulated and had to take it out. But all in all, so far it's proving to actually be more of a convenience than another thing I have to do to live normally.
Church elder at
It’s good to know this is working well for you. I know what you mean by overstimulation.
Senior elder at

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