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A Moving Experience
This isn't simple enough that I want to put it into the Prayer Request forum.

The move is done. The new apartment is still loaded with boxes and I'm still throwing away stuff I should not have moved. Most of it right now is aging networking gear for computers. Nobody is using that stuff any more; it's obsolete. Our household was more or less forced to become wireless altogether. It's okay. I'm getting used to it.

The old apartment is almost totally cleaned out. We have one more trip for important tools and such. I have been trying very hard to sell our refrigerator. It's too tall for the space in our new apartment and we can live with what they provide here. I may have sold it, but I'm praying the guy carries through. Otherwise I'll have to just give it away.

My bike is too big for the apartment, but I dare not park it outside overnight. Since I'm no longer planning to take long rides any more, I've decided to pray the Lord will show me someone who needs it, and I'll replace it with a folding bicycle that will fit more nicely.

Right in the middle of the move, one of my teeth became super sensitive. But then, my dentist is moving away, and finding another that takes my insurance has been tricky. I finally got an appointment for Tuesday. As it was, I had gone to the VA ER the other night because of the pain, and the doctor said it looked like a serious infection in the gum below the tooth that was causing so much trouble. She ordered a round of antibiotics, since a dentist won't work on it much until the infection is knocked down, anyway. So, the timing turns out to be about right. Meanwhile, the pain can be blinding, causing something like what people describe as migraines. It flares up in waves every few hours. It is getting better as the treatment is working, but slowly. Eating is the hard part, because it's nearly impossible to avoid bumping the bad tooth while chewing.

So, between the massive hard work of moving in this heat, and not being able to eat much, I've lost some weight. Not that I was eager for it, but I'll play along and see what happens. The new place has a real gym, so I need not ride across town to an outdoor gym, but I probably will do that weekly just for the fun. And I'll ride that folding bike to get there. Pictures when I get it, but I have to unload the old one first.
Senior elder at
Tooth pain can be the worst sometimes. Praying that the whole dentist and treatment plan works out for you.

I had a friend who used a folding bike for a few years while he was working in NYC. He liked it.
Church elder at
Glad to hear your move is about complete but sorry to hear you have to deal with an infected tooth at the same time. As you know I requested prayer for one of my teeth back in June and while the physical pain has been dealt with, the financial pain of crown lengthening surgery, root canal, and new crown (all estimated at $5K+/-) is ahead. Fortunately I have been blessed with the ability to cover those costs but still must spend a few hours in the dental chair.

I'll be praying for your dental situation and for the relief of the pain it is causing along with the other issues you mentioned above.
I too am sorry for your tooth problems.  Gosh.... Praying for the pain to ease now and the antibiotics to do their job and the dentist to treat you with kindness, wisdom and patience.

God bless you and Veloyce, dear Brother.

Love you guys!   Heart
Thank you all. I can report that I turned in the keys to the old apartment today. While I did feel the need to mop once more, I was really worried about getting rid of the refrigerator. Turns out someone nearby really needed one, so I just gave it away. We cleared the last little bits of our stuff and I gave them the keys before I left.

And most of the boxes here are unpacked. Just a few more assembly of book shelves left.

My tooth is improving rapidly. I'm expecting an extraction tomorrow; I doubt it can be saved after it abscesses.
Senior elder at
Wow!  When y'all intend to "gitter done", you get things done, don't you!?  Happy to hear.

And I will continue to pray for you and your tooth - that all will go well, you will heal quickly and peace will settle in for the both of you quickly.

Love you guys!
Okay, because of the infection, the extraction has been delayed until Monday next week. At least I've got a dentist that takes my insurance.
Senior elder at
Grateful you found that dentist.  And not surprised the extraction was delayed.   Hopefully your pain is within tolerance now?

Thanks for posting us up!
Although I prefer to not take painkillers unless I absolutely need to, there's no shame in taking them if you feel past your limit, especially if you know there will be an end to them because of the surgery Monday.
Church elder at
I was taking the usual over-the-counter dosage of Ibuprofin the whole time since it began to hurt bad enough to distract me. Yesterday afternoon was the first time it wasn't so bad. The antibiotics (Clindamycin) has been doing their work and is the first I've had that didn't tear up my stomach. This morning, it feels like things are under control without pain killers. The Lord is merciful.
Senior elder at

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