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The Necessity of Chaos
One of the lessons we learn from the Tower of Babel is what God said: "Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do." (Genesis 11:6 KJV) That part where He says, "this they begin to do" in the Hebrew refers to a defiling thing. Further, the words, "which they have imagined to do" refers to evil plans.

If God had let this run its course, things would be so awful that it can't be put into words. His action was redemptive, keeping the doors open so humanity could know they needed His revelation. It was intended to frustrate human wisdom. His solution in that case was to destroy the possibility of unity, and ever since that day, God has continued the same policy. When any agency gets too big and centralized, God destroys the unity so that it cannot continue.

We are about the see the same thing again during our lifetimes. Another empire has arisen to take over the human race and drive it to insanity under evil plotting. Sadly, it is led in part by the US government. We'll see it all up close and personal. God sends angels and demons in a coordinated mission to destroy every such empire. Nobody will be allowed to proceed in peace to their imagined destiny. Human planning for such things must dissolve in chaos. In that sense, all conflicts and wars are commissioned by God. Violence is a necessary ingredient.

Were it not for God provoking people outside His Covenant to hostility, humanity would quickly forget that this world is fallen. Political leadership cannot be allowed to gain sufficient wisdom to do what really would work. They will always become obsessed about something that doesn't matter, some distraction that will keep them from succeeding. They will not be allowed to rise up on the power of genuine charisma and intelligence, as Nimrod had in his day.

Don't waste time praying for human peace. Pray that folks see that the only peace possible with peace with God -- shalom. Without His peace, chaos is a necessity.
Senior elder at
Maybe it's a spotlight fallacy, but I've been noticing a lot of general, physical destruction happening more and more, worldwide. If it is happening more, I'd take that as a possible sign of judgment coming down.
Church elder at

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