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Wading Through It
I knew more than a year ago that the old blog ("Do What's Right") would be closing. I had the wrong impression of how that would happen, and the wrong impression on why. I thought it would be a move to censor my writing, but it's more a move to censor the kind of thinking behind my writing. To change the editor that drastically is meant to drive away the sort of people who organize their thoughts and express themselves with any kind of depth. It's aimed at attracting air-head "influencers" and those who write advertising. It restricts writers to that model.

But the net result is that the Lord wants me to remove my persona from the message. I need to work on the idea of being more anonymous. I can't allow the world to see the real me any more. I'm not quite sure why that is, but I trust the Lord that it will make sense later. Instead, I save that stuff for the more private blog ("Radix Fidem Blog") and here on the forum. In the future, if I feel the need to go back and address things in that fashion, I'll use some other service. For all the threats coming out of Google, their Blogger platform remains mostly hands-off. It's also more amenable to being anonymous. Who would have predicted that WordPress, of all projects, would seek to shut down thoughtful commentary on things?

I suppose some element of why I must cloak my personality online is a very broad and subtle shift in the prevailing culture. I've said many times that this is the end of the West, and something else is rising to replace it. The odd mixture of good and bad in Western Civilization is going to be eclipsed by another odd mixture that is even more bad than good. There's a place in the Hebrew consciousness for veiling yourself when in certain contexts. It's part of what Jesus said about "pearls before swine." Sometimes showing your true self only serves to arm the enemies of the truth.

What catches my attention here is that this signals something not yet fully seen: how the atmosphere will become exceedingly hostile to the gospel message. I've had no doubt about the fact itself for a long time, but I still don't have a clear vision of how it will be, of what it will be like. It's not that I fear such persecution, but seeing the particular approach the Enemy provokes does flavor the the sense of annoyance. I'm waiting to see how this plays out so I can build up others to face the flavor of persecution in our age.

So, I'm wading through a mixture of things I can see clearly, and a lot of things that are still pretty murky.
Senior elder at
Yes, I was very disappointed when I found I could no longer post to my blog using the editor I was comfortable with.   Using the new editor is useless and annoying.  I don't want to have to conform to a strict methodology of expressing myself.  I probably will spend the time and the money to print out all of my posts then put them in a binder for my grandchildren to read after I am gone.  I had already renewed for another year, but I doubt if I would get any kind of refund.

I know I shouldn't be annoyed, but I can't help it right now.  I will get over it though.
Just spitballing here, but maybe all of the impending garbage coming to rain down on some folks will be tied somehow to the w h i t e supremacy bogeyman threat. Not that people like us would be associated with it in the minds of others (or in actuality), but the witchhunts don't peter off, they just shift focus onto something else.
Church elder at

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