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Glory Glory GLORY!!!
Dang ol' Shabbat comes around quick don't it. I'm a seven days Way Follower. 
 That said, I like to keep the Sabbath Holy to pump up for Resurrection Day Sunday. I don't go to our Church much since GN retired and an Evie Preetchur took his place. I do Wednesday Prayer meetings some to get stuff to pray over. W's are better than S's. Sunday is a Main Scripture followed by so many other references, that an additional sheet is added to the bulletin, 99% of which are out of contextcontext. THAT'S IT!! I'VE HAD IT WITH THIS STUUUUUPID TABLET DOUBLING MY WORDS!! NO MORE TIME WASTING ERASING CLONES!! From now on they stay in!!!!
  I apologize again for raising my letters shazbot it's soooo annoying. Lemme grad the fire puter outer. PBSSSSSH There the deed is did.
  Deep breath........Long exhale wwwwwwhhhhhh.....wh.
Turn on the late great Brother Reverend Doctor James Cleveland. Black music was sooo much better when they wuz repressed. Without that unjust repression,  could they have created su h truly awesome Gospel? Uboveemy pay grade. 6:08 minutes of "Can't nobody do me like JesusJesus" pumps me up!
 Done lost what I i had.
 Blessings, Abundant, Plentiful and Spilling out e verwhure to y'all my brethren and sistren.
Whatever heavy you got forkit over and carry the lighter load words to that effect so said Jesus.
Jesus, no other name I know.
Ah Brothers, Sisters and Seekers I send a Blessing to you. He gave me a gift fof giving blessing and it's a well that never runs dry so drink up. I pray you sense it in your heart when you read this. So relax, close you eyes and let His Divine Love infuse your entire being.
Lots of Love, Love, Lo ve, in the name of Jesus Christ THE Lord.
Thanks, Iain (I think?). Your posts are always a..."blessing." Smile
Church elder at
"Now let us have a little talk with Jesus..." Thanks, Iain.
Senior elder at

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