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NT Doctrine -- Romans 13
In this letter, Paul keeps hammering on problems Jews have with faith in their Messiah. To be honest, the previous chapter was aimed more at Jews and their peculiar challenges than it was to Gentile believers. It's the same with this chapter.

First century Jews were notorious for objecting to pagan governments. They wouldn't hesitate to use the Pax Romana to make money (Jews in Rome tended to be wealthy), but suffered from a serious, almost maniacal obsession with demanding their "rights" as the Covenant Nation under Rome. They gained that unique privilege because a major faction in the Jewish government at the end of the Maccabean Period willingly invited Rome to get involved in an internal dispute. By the time Paul writes this letter, they deeply regretted it.

So, this passage is aimed at Jewish Christians there more than anyone else. By rejecting the Covenant of Moses, they brought a whole string of pagan imperial governments down on their own heads. They needed reminding of that. Thus, Paul warns them that their own God has arranged to keep them under Roman authority. They had better get used to it. At the same time, keep in mind that Paul didn't mean this as it sounds to our ears in English, given how he did not hesitate to manipulate the situation to avoid both Jewish and Roman government oppressing him. What Paul is warning against here is the standard Jewish truculence and senseless resistance out of spite.

You want government to leave you alone? Start working toward peace and efficiency in the world around you. Stop trying to circumvent every little thing. That is not righteousness. He reminds them what Jesus said more than once: Love your covenant family as family. That covers all the Law of Moses, and it works pretty well under Rome. What kind of behavior is really in their best interest? How do you keep from bringing the wrath of a pagan government down on your brothers and sisters? That would answer every question.

Paul's reference to knowing the time and waking up does not refer to the Return of Christ. Rather, anyone with half a brain could see that persecution was brewing in the Roman government. The only way to avoid a panic is to be ready for the worst. Make strong moral habits so that you are less likely to compromise when the pressure rises. Polish up your testimony; make sure you look like Christ. When the time comes, He will deliver you according to His divine will.
Senior elder at

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