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Some Clarifications on the Coof
First, let me explain that I do not like Stew Peters. I don't like his presentation at all. He sounds too much like a lot of liars that I've encountered in the past. Nonetheless, I'll give him credit for this scoop: Watch the Water. He teams up with Dr. Bryan Ardis for this video. I do tend to like Dr. Ardis.

I've stated unequivocally that our federal government is trying to kill us, and that COVID-19 was a lie. I've said I'm convinced that something else is happening, and that certain people have been exposed to something that is no COVID at all, but something specifically designed to kill. Further, the totalitarian control asserted over medical treatment protocols for COVID patients was a plot to murder mass numbers of people. I've thought that the CDC, FDA and Fauci are mass murders.

Dr. Ardis nails down sufficient details to make it clear that such thoughts are accurate. What they have called "COVID" is a cobra venom being administered in some as-yet secret means. It mimics a lung infection. Further, the vaccines are another derivative of this same venom. And there's more, but I think this is probably one video that's worth the time. The odd title ("Watch the Water") refers to how the murdering officials are watching the effects of this toxic program via water testing; it shows up in sewage.

I don't care for the final 8 minutes or so where they speculate spookily about the motives. Mass slaughter is already an established motive.
Senior elder at
I remember seeing that video linked from another site. Haven't checked it out but I will tomorrow.

I have to wonder about all these people shilling stuff on their websites. It doesn't mean they are lying, obviously, but it's too hard to suss out who has better information if they are all doing it. A guy not selling something or putting ads all over their site is a good signal to me. Then again, you have the time cube guy, who merely asked for donations, but made absolutely no sense:
Church elder at
Cube Guy is a crackpot, but at least he's an honest one. Stew Peters is much more complicated. I think he is at best somewhat compromised. The primary flaw of Dr. Ardis is that he has missed to point on a couple of times that I can recall. Still, Ardis does the research and can back up what he says.
Senior elder at
Great find Ed. Truly EVIL stuff. The only question I am left with is how the initial infection with the venom started. If it was spread in municipal water systems I can get that but what about all the people in rural areas that use well water?

I agree with Jay and don't pay much attention to people who are selling stuff or want you to pay for "private info".
This was a multi-pronged attack. The video left some gaps, some things not clearly stated. There are all kinds of different ways to stealthily spread a venomous agent like that, including aerosols. The old wild story of "chemtrails" is half-true. We already have a record where various test agents were sprayed on unwitting populations within the US. At the same time, most COVID diagnoses were actually just the common cold/flu, but the diagnostics handed to emergency rooms, and the bonuses they got for each COVID case, encouraged them to call it COVID. However, it's the treatment protocols where this agent was delivered to even more victims. Most treatment staff on the ground never knew they were treating people with deadly agents manufactured for this program. I'm still convinced there were also witting agents scattered across the US using various means to spread this on a small scale, but just enough to allow inflation of the numbers.
Senior elder at

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