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Posts: 5,889
Threads: 1,388
Members: 20
Posts per day: 2.23
Threads per day: 0.53
Members per day: 0.01
Posts per member: 294.45
Threads per member: 69.4
Replies per thread: 3.24
Newest Member: Jane Providence
Members who have posted: 85%
Today's top poster: Ed Hurst (1 posts)
Most popular forum: Prayer Requests (1,688 posts, 216 threads)
Top referrer: Ed Hurst (3 referrals)

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Rehoming (31 replies)
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Stepfather (27 replies)
Print Library (22 replies)
The Left Knee Problem (22 replies)
Hernia (21 replies)
Is we a prayin' people or what!? (21 replies)
Ed's Car Adventure (19 replies)
Shoulder (19 replies)
Sad days lately (18 replies)
Another surgery (22,427 views)
Is we a prayin' people or what!? (11,581 views)
I'm Veloyce (11,170 views)
Under constrution (11,079 views)
Shoulder (10,919 views)
Sister-in-law May Be Dying (10,890 views)
JOB! (10,811 views)
Tomorrowland! (9,314 views)
Is it wrong to use images for purposes of worship? (8,775 views)
Brother Tom (8,361 views)
Nana & Another thing (8,143 views)
WWID (7,905 views)
Western Roots All Mixed Up (7,893 views)
The Left Knee Problem (7,676 views)
Be Prepared for Anything. (7,591 views)