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What if we picked a day, by which I mean daylight, for a joint fast, prayer and praise. This just literally popped itself into existence and I haven't had time to consider it fully. I'm going to work on motorcycle, it's not warm but, I need to remove and soak its drive chain in kerosene for a throuple of daze. Last week I removed the oil tank and after I did, I kept asking myself "why? Mr Iain why? It twernt necessary" the next day, I spotted some frayed wiring which, I wouldn't have found if I hadn't removed the oil tank. It was a work of God taking that tank off. Now it's time for me to go worky bikey laters gators.
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Well, perhaps y'all can do a day such as you describe. Unfortoodademently, I do not have control over my days/times/schedule. Hubby sees to that. Not necessarily in a bad way, but.........
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I think this a great idea. Why don't we try this tomorrow or next Wednesday? Fast the entire day and conclude it with the normal weekly prayer?
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I can skip one meal without repercussions; my meds require food to keep from tearing things up, but I can do without lunch, I believe.
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04-03-2019, 10:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2019, 10:37 AM by IainH.)
Yes, but,...remember I confessed that I hadn't fully considered the matter. I quickly realized that eek! I got to take my meds with food! So, it really wasn't my fault, it was Semiticism. That's the Z'z are spiking my Kuerig. Each morning I listen to music while I wake and drink my morning Joe. Pepsi, the nectar of the Gods, I shall forgo.
I had a productive day on bike work, I worked from 11-2 wearing just a tshirt and denim shirt it was warmish. I took a break and went out again at 3 and had to wear a coat because the temp plummeted and the wind started up. I did complete the task I assigned myself. I'm on schedule. Pray that it continue. I'll work again on it Thursday. Sunny today but too cool and breezy to be washing parts. I'm gonna get my welder from under a pile of stuff in our bedroom closet. I haven't welded in a while and am gonna do a little practice before I get into serious stuff. I'm expecting a $200 check soon for opening up that Summer home last week. Nice people but, if you've never had to worry about just paying basics, you have no clue what it's like to be literally down to your last buck. Which is where I'm at; yesterday boy expressed his dread at having to ask his Mom for gas money. "How much do you need?" " I've got ten but I need twenty to get to pay day"...(Shit! I thunk. Well better me ask than him)... "I've got ten, you can have it". I was absolutely posi scratch that. I knew I only had two five dollar bills after I left Advance Auto Parts the day before because I commented about it to the counter dude. God rewarded me by placing an extra dollar in my billfold. When I went out to the crap, I mean car to get it there were two fives and a miracle one. That's God piddlin ' with reality, I didn't show sufficient gratitude because later on when I was getting cold and el windo was starting to bite He hid my 1/2" wrench. Of course after removing eight of the ten bolts that hold the rear fender on I was not happy "really? You're doing this now!" I did appear in a spot I had checked several times. Reality change for fun. It kinda reminded me of how my Dad would push my buttons. Apparently, both he and the Sovereign Lord creator of all things find something hilarious about making me mad. "Hey Harold, wanna see something funny? this" HA HA HA! I got the underlying message.
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I still did the lunch skip and prayed while I was hungering mightily well before the appointed hour. It serves the purpose.
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Why don't we add the fasting as optional, or however we feel we can do it, every Wednesday alongside our prayer time? I don't see why not.
I'm going to try a full day next week. I have the ability to, and it's something that would be all-around good to do.
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One weekend of "woooo! Let's PARTY!" Led to 5 daze of near starvation. I was very young but, I learned to buy food b4 I blew my pay.