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Health Concerns
My wife is currently facing a myriad of health issues that we are asking the Lord to help/heal.  She had a cancerous kidney removed in 2009 and the remaining kidney is functioning well but in the last month her blood pressure has gone up significantly.  She is already on 3 blood pressure medications and the doctor wants to add a fourth.  Her uric acid level is very high and during a recent CT scan for her kidney cysts the radiologist noted a thickened uterine wall that needs to be followed up by an ob/gyn.

At 77, she is very thankful for the health she has and is trusting the Lord to see her through this latest episode.  Please join us in prayer asking the Lord for wisdom, patience and HIS healing touch.

P.S.  I'll be going in for a "vascular scan" on Tuesday as my doctor wants to see the condition of my carotoid arteries.  I have had no issues and am trusting the Lord for a good report.
What you describe is fairly serious, but our God is able. May He grant you both mercy and recovery.
Senior elder at
Amen to what Ed said.   Will definitely pray for you both.
Here's hoping for the best for you two. Our God isn't stingy with blessings and provisions.
Church elder at
Update... My vascular screening test reported "Normal Vascular Screening. There is no evidence of carotid atherosclerosis, stenosis, or dissection". I am certainly praising the Lord for that especially as a 70 year old man with some out of range cholesterol numbers.

We are waiting for further testing for my wife and will update when that is completed. Thanks all for your prayers and concern!!
Wonderful report, Dave!   Smile   Praise Him from whom all blessings flow!!
Awesome! Thanks for letting us know.
Church elder at
Me, too: Amen!
Senior elder at
Update on my wife's health issues. She is going in for outpatient surgery today to reduce the thickness of her endometrial lining and have it checked for cancerous cells. The doctor changed her blood pressure meds and placed her on allopruinol for her high uric acid a couple of weeks ago. The good news is her blood pressure is back in normal range and the uric acid is also... Praise the Lord!

Please continue to pray that the pathology results will come back "unremarkable". THANKS and Blessings to all!
Prayers lifting right now for your wife.  May Our Father bless her with peace and comfort.  May He bless the doctors with skill and wisdom and compassion.  May He place His loving and healing hands on her and fill her with the knowledge that He is with her and in her.  In the name of Our Lord Jesus, AMEN.

Praying for you as well, Dave.  May He bring you comfort and peace during these times.

Love you both!

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