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Having Covid has left me in a miss. I am sometimes having panic attacks, fast heart rate and high blood pressure and not sleeping will. They have put me on a low dose of blood pressure pills it helps, but still not back to normal.
(09-10-2022, 07:08 PM)Veloyce Hurst Wrote: Having Covid has left me in a miss. I am sometimes having panic attacks, fast heart rate and high blood pressure and not sleeping will. They have put me on a low dose of blood pressure pills it helps, but still not back to normal.

My sweet sister, I am so sorry to hear this.  I will lift you up continually in prayer that Our Father will ease your symptoms and bring peace to both your body and mind.  I wish I was close by - there are some herbal teas that have a very calming effect on your body/heart: holy basil (tulsi), passion flower, peppermint leaf, hawthorn, lemon balm and motherwort.  And, you can combine these into a nice brew.  I have no idea if you have access to any of these.....

Prayers will be lifting and all of us will continue to lift you up.

Just do be sure to rest, rest rest.  Drink LOTS of water.  Eat only fruits, whole grains and veggies.

Sorry, my desire to help sometimes gets intense ......

Love you dear Sister.
Prayer lifted for you now.
Praying for you off and on today. Hope you turn a corner soon.
Church elder at
Thank you all for the prayers. Feeling a little better. Just need the feeling that the heart is about to come out of my chest to go away.
Do please keep letting us know, Sister.  It is inspiring to hear that you are improving, albeit slowly.

Praise the Lord for the struggles we face so we can witness to others our strength (from Him) and faith.
This afternoon Veloyce found an open appointment on her doctor's schedule, so took it. After an EKG, the doctor said her meds were wrong. Now she's on a beta-blocker and suddenly her heart started acting appropriately. We are grateful for your prayers and for the Lord sustaining her until she got a good answer.
Senior elder at
The wrong meds? Geez! That could've gotten worse, likely.
Church elder at
Well, praise the Lord as He continues to bless us all. Such good news for you all!
I will be seeing a cardiologist. There is a problem with the heart not getting enough blood sometimes into parts of the body. I have not had a heart attack, but if it does not get under control I could someday down the road.

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