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The only functional top down system is God's. One of his uh..."things" is Individual Liberty. Human beings are free to do whatever the heck they want, I learned that from my beloved brother in law's suicide in 2002 and the lesson is ongoing. Over the last 20 years, what I practice is, not burning bridges, they take a vast amount of effort to rebuild. In the course of our lives we are given the opportunity to make voluntary associations with others and I always strive to be viewed positively by the people I meet, this is where good manners and a cheery disposition come in handy. I can make the grouchiest old bat smile and be pleasant, given enough time, even the ladies at the DMV.  Oddly enough, I'm not going to bore you with examples. It's either a gift or I'm just stubborn or maybe it's just not that hard. 
  Every time you make a positive association, that is a future asset. I am the senior RF elder here in Southern! It appears that I got a promotion, I literally didn't know that until I wrote it. Well, that certainly has ramifications..."oh stop it, it's the default position because you're the only one around here".... Humbling isn't He. 
  Nonetheless, I don't know which associations are going to be needed during the course of my mission therefore I must make the effort that they are all positive. There are always going to be people who will not like me for no reason and that's their loss. Had I put my abilities to use in the pursuit of mammon, I would be rich by now but, my desire has always been to know God, the person.
  It's God's desire for me that, I have run from and tried to numb far too often. I ask for your prayers that, I may open myself to the fiery sword fully, my window of opportunity will close if I don't and in my heart, I know that is unacceptable. Satan's seduction is "you need resources for your mission...people need to understand that real Federalism is the only way to stabilize America"...
  God gave me the answers to those questions years ago. 1. Jehovah Jireh and 2. "I don't need the USA"...Satan likes to use my concern for my children's futures as a pry bar. Yes, it would be nice if States reclaimed their rightful Sovereignty over the Feds but, the Empire has existed longer than the Republic and American's live under the illusion of a Republic. I would be willing to support any goat that leads that effort within the boundaries of my own calling. 
  Again, I urge all of us here to make positive associations even with, disagreeable people. You never know went it will be returned to you as gain for God's Glory.
Oh yeah. It serves little purpose to start off crabby with strangers, and it harms our witness. We have to give God room to work on His own terms, and He has clearly recommended that we try not to raise a ruckus until there's a really good reason. And you make a good elder, because you know what it ain't.
Senior elder at
I suppose we're all elders in a sense, because men with faith are naturally drawn to that calling. That's not something I would presume to be for myself, just because I know how I am. My official eldership here is all Ed's fault. Smile

On making positive associations, there was a tradition in England (I don't know the details), where people coming of age were encouraged to maintain social contacts so that, if they would ever fall into ill-fortune, they would be able to draw upon those associations for assistance. If I'm remembering this correctly, that may have carried over in America but got lost with the "rugged individualism," which has its merits and detractions.
Church elder at

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