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Yesterday, as I was walking in the woods, I was talking to my tree friends and all the living things around me. I always let them know that I am a friend and apologize for the fact that they groan because of the sin of human beings. After a moment or two they rejoice "hey, it's our pal who gets it". Sometimes I hear their voices echo in my heart and when I look around me my vision changes and I see things that are always there but, people are blind to. These created beings shimmer with joy, their colors pop and a vibration of living energy from them hits me and I sense that we are all together serving the same purpose to bring glory to God. As I bade them farewell I noticed a dead locust tree and I felt sad that it had died and could no longer praise the Lord. Then something happened, the tree started to buz with life and the little shimmer became intense but, not frighteningly so, instead I was drawn to it and laid my hand on it and I realized the tree was brimming with life from moss, to insects to microbes. It wasn't just a dead tree standing there lifeless, it was a habitat for millions of new creatures. Although it's time had come and gone, it still served a purpose and in each creature that inhabited the tree, there was the life of the tree. I realized we humans are frail, hapless, vain and foolish creatures living in a world filled with the sinless perfection of nature deluded by hubris into thinking that we are the most important of all Gods creation. We are nothing but trouble, we destroy everything we touch, like Tacitus quoted a Scottish Chieftain speaking of the Romans (it could be said of America) "they make a desert and call it peace". America's founders based the Constitution on the Classical period. Look at the architecture of DC. (That's a whole other post) Bummer, I done went and "rurnt" it. Oh boy...I can hardly wait to get my job done and go dwell in my Father's tent.
Amen. We can rest in the promise that when Christ returns, all human folly will be wiped from the earth and things restored to the Creator's design.
Senior elder at
(06-23-2020, 06:48 PM)Ed Hurst Wrote: Amen. We can rest in the promise that when Christ returns, all human folly will be wiped from the earth and things restored to the Creator's design.

I really look forward to seeing with perfect vision, to see the unseen.  No more glasses.
(06-23-2020, 08:29 PM)IainH Wrote:
(06-23-2020, 06:48 PM)Ed Hurst Wrote: Amen. We can rest in the promise that when Christ returns, all human folly will be wiped from the earth and things restored to the Creator's design.

I really look forward to seeing with perfect vision, to see the unseen.  No more glasses.

Oh, guys, that hope, that Promise!  I can hardly contain myself when in my humble and simple way I imagine the Glory, the Beauty.  Oh my !!!!!   Cannot wait!   Smile
(06-23-2020, 06:48 PM)Ed Hurst Wrote: Amen. We can rest in the promise that when Christ returns, all human folly will be wiped from the earth and things restored to the Creator's design.

If I read Revelations correct, earth/the universe isn't destroyed, but remade, like all new stuff placed on top of everything. To some folks it probably looks like it's destroyed, but it won't go away. 

One sec...gonna turn on my writer's imagination...

I think this happens via different dimensions, non-classical ones that we are familiar with. So it looks like the "stuff" in our dimension gets wrecked, but in roughly the same locale the other, better stuff is built in/around it, probably unseen with physical eyes. But it will be there; the shattered physical plane will be left as is. If we want to take Iain's observations about the dead tree from the other thread he posted, the universe will be a dead tree but there will be plenty of life living in it. We'd be able to observe the dead universe if we wanted to but everything will be happening in the higher/different dimensions.
Church elder at
There is definitely something mystical that happens behind my house. It doesn't happen every time I go up there but,  it does happen. I don't question it, it just is. I have tools in 5 different places so, sometimes I misplace them and it is frustrating when I need something and can't find. Just being silly, I might say "venerable ancestors whose blood runs through me and this land, where is my T27 torx bit" and I find it. When I do find it "thank you Jesus, oh.. and my foredaddies too, don't want to leave them out". My tribe calls me the Finder because I have a knack for finding other people's lost things.
There is a wide range of gifts often called by Hillbillies "second sight." While theirs is often hokum, the real deal is more common than anyone knows.
Senior elder at
(06-27-2020, 12:54 PM)Ed Hurst Wrote: There is a wide range of gifts often called by Hillbillies "second sight." While theirs is often hokum, the real deal is more common than anyone knows.

I was able to "water witch" the first time I tried it. The previous owner had laid a second water line that was hidden. Doc, my friend and Roan Mountain, TN Hillbilly told me to bend two welding rods and cross where I knew the main line was "if they cross, you got the gift". Anyway it worked, I found the other line so, I tried it some more and it kept hitting a dry spot so I gave up thinking, it was just a coincidence, months later during the early winter I crossed that same spot and found a spring. Turns out that it only flows when we get a lot of rain. So....if you're need warter gimme a holler and I'll bring my welding rods.
Water witching of that sort is part physics and part talent. Other types of metal rods will work. The presence of an underground linear cavity does produce a magnetic field that can affect those metal rods. However, it turns out some unknown portion of humanity cannot make the trick work at all, some are inconsistent, and just a few can get it every time.
Senior elder at
If we're talking genes, I probably don't have it in me to do anything like this, being half Italian and half German. I have other things to offer. But anything is possible with God, eh?
Church elder at

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