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Nana & Another thing
Thank you for your prayers for my mother in law she is slowly improving and I have faith that the Lord still has work for her and blessings to share. Heartfelt thanks from my family especially my children pray the Lord ease their burden. They don't say it but it is hard for them, they've already lost both their grandfathers.
 I went to the doctor today, for sometime I've had brief episodes that are hard to describe, it's like a pressure wave that sloshes in my head that would make me wobbly enough to have to sit down. Over the weekend it was happening over and over every time I moved. It also affected my balance quite seriously. I tried doing the "sobriety test" one foot in front of the other and couldn't do it, neither could I balance on one foot and forget about tilting my head back and touching my nose. By Monday morning I felt much improved and was inclined to forget about it but, on pain of severe nagging I relented. The doc did some tests and has ordered an MRI to see if they can find something. So pray as you feel led.
Glad to hear she's doing better. Your situation doesn't sound so good, so keep us apprised.
Senior elder at
Wow.  Good news about Nana.  Prayers that she will continue improving and for your family to have the faith and strength for whatever comes your way.

As far as your situation, I pray the doctors will be blessed with wisdom, thoroughness and compassion as they study your tests and are able to help.  I experienced vertigo, not necessarily what you are; and it is very difficult to deal with.  Fortunately, there are actually exercises that reposition the little crystals in the ear to restore balance and equilibrium. 

Do keep us all posted, dear friend.
Thank you all. Your continued prayers are a comfort.
Iain! We will pray with you. God's got you, no matter what. Remember that!
Church elder at
I have an appt for MRI Thursday afternoon, I can't find the note but, I think it's around 3:00. May be they'll find why there is Jello in my head.
Well, needless to say, whenever they tell you the results, do share if you want to. We do care about you!
(03-22-2018, 08:25 AM)forrealone Wrote: Well, needless to say, whenever they tell you the results, do share if you want to.  We do care about you!
Yes ma'am, here's how it's gonna go. "Uh..Mr Helton, we are gob smacked..your base functions are all there however your cerebral cortex appears to be entirely made up of orange Jello?"
As long as it's not cherry Jello.  Sick
Church elder at
My kid's Nana is still in rehab it's taking a while to heal but, she is in good spirits. I don't care where the rehab/heaven's waiting room is located, whether it's located in swanky Blowing Rock, NC or Detroit, MI, you still have to badger the staff everyday to ensure the proper care for your loved one. All of these places are understaffed and what they do have are underpaid. In NC every employee who handles the patients/ residents must be a CNA1 so, rehabs/HWR's are the entry level jobs and a lot of times they just don't care. They are doing time until they can make a step up. When I pray, I do so for Nana but, also the staff.
  Whatever it was that was ailing me disappeared the morning of my MRI so, it showed nothing out of the ordinary. I haven't had a recurrence of the symptoms either. It was either a miracle of God or it ran it's course. I'm not qualified to answer, I'm just thankful. 
  I do have a new request, my beater Lopsided Lucy the Wonderwagon needs new front brakes, hubs, wheel bearings, races and a couple of tires to pass inspection so it can get the tag renewed. The tag expires tomorrow and I won't drive it until it's fixed. Pray that our mechanic can find the time to do it ASAP because here on the mountain top it's still a mite chilly to be riding my motorsickle everyday.
 On the job front; I really, really, really do not want to spend another Summer working 6 nights a week at the country club plus cleaning houses during the day with zero benefits to earn enough to last through the off season. I would much rather go back to being an upholsterer, working five days/week with a weeks Summer vacation and a genuine benefits package. Pray the Lord grant me this mercy and place me where I can be useful for Him. Amen.

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