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A Heap of Requests that I shall attempt to condense into a relatively short post but,
1. Friday, I picked one of the "shorty" carts at Walmart to go purchase necessary's.  When I got my stuff into the car and went to park my car I noticed another shorty in the other, blocked, cart park. Being a good Smartin, I thunk "these shorties have to be separated because they don't connect with the "longies", I'll  be a nice guy and pair'em. Ignoring the "don't shove no carts on this side" gate, I opened it and run it backwards to link with the other shorty cart. I  turned and started out of the thingamajigger and had the bright idea of "turnstile" jumping the gate. I hadn't done this kind of thing in years and I leapt a little too early WHOP! my left shin caught the top of the gate, which didn't give. Open mouth to full extent, can't scream cause it hurt too bad. YEEEOWWW! in my head, I got in the car and then the OUUUUCCCH! came, followed by air bluing. It grazed my shin good and swole up and hurts to put weight on it. I couldn't work on Buttercup yesterday because of it and there's a knot on it still. I don't think it's broken, maybe a hairline crack, I've had those before, at the very least a bruised bone. I'm gonna give Buttercup the old school try, today. The weather is perfect today for this kinda work. Quick heal, requested.
2. It took so long for number one, I plum forgot the rest. It can't be too important. Mebbe later.
(03-24-2019, 10:31 AM)IainH Wrote: List.
1. Friday, I picked one of the "shorty" carts at Walmart to go purchase necessary's.  When I got my stuff into the car and went to park my car I noticed another shorty in the other, blocked, cart park. Being a good Smartin, I thunk "these shorties have to be separated because they don't connect with the "longies", I'll  be a nice guy and pair'em. Ignoring the "don't shove no carts on this side" gate, I opened it and run it backwards to link with the other shorty cart. I  turned and started out of the thingamajigger and had the bright idea of "turnstile" jumping the gate. I hadn't done this kind of thing in years and I leapt a little too early WHOP! my left shin caught the top of the gate, which didn't give. Open mouth to full extent, can't scream cause it hurt too bad. YEEEOWWW! in my head, I got in the car and then the OUUUUCCCH! came, followed by air bluing. It grazed my shin good and swole up and hurts to put weight on it. I couldn't work on Buttercup yesterday because of it and there's a knot on it still. I don't think it's broken, maybe a hairline crack, I've had those before, at the very least a bruised bone. I'm gonna give Buttercup the old school try, today. The weather is perfect today for this kinda work. Quick heal, requested.
2. It took so long for number one, I plum forgot the rest. It can't be too important. Mebbe later.

Sending up a quick for you :Smile Let us know how it turns out.

Reminds me of one time I hurt my knee. I used to bike to a bus stop across a bridge every day (I still go there once in a while, but nothing as consistent as I used to). One way, the bridge is downhill, and there a pedestrian walkway that I get to fly down when it's early morning and there's little foot traffic. This one particular time I was coasting and accidentally brushed up against the chain link fence that borders the walkway and the plunge about 100 feet below, into the Allegheny. My knee hit something fierce; it was blunt force, so there wasn't blood. But it hurt like much so that I got a little nauseated. I didn't yell or cry but I ended up just kinda laughing. Human nerves are a strange thing that act on paradox in some situations.
Church elder at
(03-24-2019, 12:25 PM)jaybreak Wrote:
(03-24-2019, 10:31 AM)IainH Wrote: List.
1. Friday, I picked one of the "shorty" carts at Walmart to go purchase necessary's.  When I got my stuff into the car and went to park my car I noticed another shorty in the other, blocked, cart park. Being a good Smartin, I thunk "these shorties have to be separated because they don't connect with the "longies", I'll  be a nice guy and pair'em. Ignoring the "don't shove no carts on this side" gate, I opened it and run it backwards to link with the other shorty cart. I  turned and started out of the thingamajigger and had the bright idea of "turnstile" jumping the gate. I hadn't done this kind of thing in years and I leapt a little too early WHOP! my left shin caught the top of the gate, which didn't give. Open mouth to full extent, can't scream cause it hurt too bad. YEEEOWWW! in my head, I got in the car and then the OUUUUCCCH! came, followed by air bluing. It grazed my shin good and swole up and hurts to put weight on it. I couldn't work on Buttercup yesterday because of it and there's a knot on it still. I don't think it's broken, maybe a hairline crack, I've had those before, at the very least a bruised bone. I'm gonna give Buttercup the old school try, today. The weather is perfect today for this kinda work. Quick heal, requested.
2. It took so long for number one, I plum forgot the rest. It can't be too important. Mebbe later.

Sending up a quick for you :Smile Let us know how it turns out.

Reminds me of one time I hurt my knee. I used to bike to a bus stop across a bridge every day (I still go there once in a while, but nothing as consistent as I used to). One way, the bridge is downhill, and there a pedestrian walkway that I get to fly down when it's early morning and there's little foot traffic. This one particular time I was coasting and accidentally brushed up against the chain link fence that borders the walkway and the plunge about 100 feet below, into the Allegheny. My knee hit something fierce; it was blunt force, so there wasn't blood. But it hurt like much so that I got a little nauseated. I didn't yell or cry but I ended up just kinda laughing. Human nerves are a strange thing that act on paradox in some situations.

If it hurts enough to squall you're okay. I had a cyst about the size of a silver dollar on my back, it hurt bad. When I went to get it fixed, the surgeon looked at it and told me his assistant was going to give me a local anesthetic. He didn't. The surgeon came in and had a scalpel in me before I could tell him. It hurt so much I couldn't make a sound. I was NOT a happy camper. God ended his career permanently about a year later and he got a glowing obit in the paper. He died of cancer. Shame on me for thinking "It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy". That was mean but, I didn't share but, with ohh ten people and they live here, in me that is. 
Krecshun: it were my right shin and I whopped it like a placekicker. 
Today the gnot is smaller but real tender to the touch and don't twist it eeeEEE, boy! That sho hurt.
I didn't get to work on my bike, finest day in months, typical .
"No good deed goes unpunished" is the saying, I believe. That's okay, I still do justice whether it works out or not. May the Lord reward your trust in Him for healing.
Senior elder at
(03-24-2019, 04:59 PM)Ed Hurst Wrote: "No good deed goes unpunished" is the saying, I believe. That's okay, I still do justice whether it works out or not. May the Lord reward your trust in Him for healing.

Indeed it don't but, I'll keep doing them.
Iain, for gosh sakes, put that salve and mess I sent you on that boo boo.  What do you think it is for???  BOO BOO's    !!!!!
(03-24-2019, 09:44 PM)forrealone Wrote: Iain, for gosh sakes, put that salve and mess I sent you on that boo boo.  What do you think it is for???  BOO BOO's    !!!!!

Oh, I plan to as soon as I can touch it without fainting.
(03-24-2019, 09:44 PM)forrealone Wrote: Iain, for gosh sakes, put that salve and mess I sent you on that boo boo.  What do you think it is for???  BOO BOO's    !!!!!

Tee hee. Boo boos. Ha ha. And another alliterative repetitious phrase.
Church elder at

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