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More on Heart Meditation
Earlier, I had "Freebird, the Movie" on the yak box. If you are southern and of certain age and disposition Lynyrd Skynyrd was part of the soundtrack of your youth, iconic. My older brother saw them ! LIVE ! twice; the original ones and not the tribute band of the same name that's still chuggin' along with only one original member, Gary Rossington (67 years "young" if young means dressing like a chubby teenager). All I got was the movie and I've seen it a bunch. Having something like this on at a low enough level to be heard but, not loud enough to be intelligible helps me and perhaps only me, to align my head brain & heart brain so that things can percolate betwixt the two, rather than my heart brain being drowned out by the hustle & bustle of daily living. Quiet doesn't work for me because, thanks to tinnitus, I haven't experienced silence in many years. Music or speech at a level just at or slightly above the noise in my ears is the closest I get to quiet. I tend do this at night as I'm winding down before bed or just if I'm just "veggin' out". Sometimes, I get  an "itch" that brings me to do the aforementioned which brings me to a state I decided to name Heart Meditation. I started with the subject line "Vocabulary" and went so far off topic that I had to re-title the subject. I guess I'll do vocabulary L8R.
Interesting. I hate using the term in this context, but the human body can be "hacked" on many different and strange ways like this, to suit any kind of goal we have. How did you find out this worked for you?
Church elder at
(01-02-2019, 02:55 AM)jaybreak Wrote: Interesting. I hate using the term in this context, but the human body can be "hacked" on many different and strange ways like this, to suit any kind of goal we have. How did you find out this worked for you?
   It came about as a result of having to have "me" time to chill for an hour or so before bedtime. My family knew this so they gave me space. My sons bed is on a wall opposite the tv, being hard of hearing I had it on loud. He would complain so I turned the sound down and CC on. It grew organically out of that. The was no conscious effort and I believe that's key. If I make an effort and yes I do sometimes because I want that "sitting in the Saviors lap" sublime experience, nothing will happen. And, here I think lies the problem, when we know God has spoken in a particular circumstance, we try to repeat it and we fail. Whenever God is furthest from my conscious thoughts, He shows Himself and again it cannot happen by human means. Case in point; the abject failure of western Christian practice.

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