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The Idolatry of Mind: The Simulated Universe
Let's get logical here. We at Radix Fidem are mystics, but that doesn't mean we can't discuss ideas where they stand, using peoples' own rules for discovering knowledge. We don't follow the world's way of discerning reality but we are fine playing devil's advocate to expose the failures of worldly philosophies.

There's a funny little theory that has been going around, existing in slightly different versions, proposing that the universe we know is really a simulation or a projection* created by, to some, extra-dimensional life forms. Essentially, it's as though we literally exist inside a vastly complex computer program. The theory relates somewhat to quantum physics and the idea that the mere act of perceiving can change how subatomic particles "perform" in space. If true, the implications are probably far-reaching, but no one can really do much about them. We go on with our daily lives.

What's not stated--and this is perhaps exemplary with ideas like this--is that the simulated universe theory is a metaphysical belief that people will claim is a conclusion drawn from physical evidence and ideas (i.e., theoretical physics), using physical ways of knowing things: logic, the senses, etc. Truths fundamental to things outside of the universe, by their nature, cannot be determined by such methods of knowledge, so essentially the "creature" of the simulated universe belief is really religious in nature underneath a skin-costume of pseudo-science.

It's "pseudo-scientific" because there is some science tangentially involved, but undergirding it is a very important assumption: that the universe is a projection does not come from the workings of a physical human mind, but a disembodied mind that somehow exists independently and transcendentally. But we know that if this were the case--if physical minds did in fact conclude this fact about the universe--then the minds are a part of the projection and thus could not be trusted, as the simulators (whoever they are) can simply make those conclusions part of of the simulation. We would have no way of trusting our brains.

With this information it must be pretty obvious by now that this is one the latest forms of idolatry of the human mind: the elevation of the workings of fallen human reason to the level of God--knocking God off the throne and putting ourselves in its place. A projected universe would answer a lot of things that folks find inexplicable otherwise with what we know of the physical world; the theory helps people reject the divine realm outright and replace it with simply another level of the physical. In this sense, it's an intellectual extension of what many already believe. We should be prepared to answer this philosophy as we feel lead to, but we should also not be surprised when our words are rejected.

* Rationalwiki is, as you may guess from its title, a wiki-type of site, born out of a strictly materialist worldview. They do, however, provide an excellent summary of the simulated universe idea.
Church elder at

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The Idolatry of Mind: The Simulated Universe - by jaybreak - 10-02-2018, 10:24 PM

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