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NT Doctrine -- Hebrews 1
This treatise was written by an Alexandrian rabbi thoroughly acquainted with Second Temple literature, and perhaps that of the Qumran Community. We are assuming he wrote to Hebrew Christians in Rome who were suffering under persecution and tempted to slip back into Judaism to escape the pressure. Judaism remained legal, but for a time, Christian faith was not. This letter is a definitive statement that the Covenant of Moses died on the Cross, and that going back there is deserting God.

God revealed Himself in highly varied ways and fragments in ancient times, and then more definitively in the prophets and literature of Israel, but the final revelation was Jesus Christ. It was a Hebrew doctrine that referred to God's will as a Person, and that was Jesus, the agent of Creation. He was as much God as any human can possibly know, and He trumps every other revelation -- past, present or future. Now that He has offered the final sacrifice for sins for all time, He sits on the throne as God's Heir and ruler of all things. He outranks the Divine Council and certainly all the angels.

Quoting liberally from the Old Testament (Septuagint version), the writer refers back to God's declarations that He adopted both David and Solomon as His sons. He elevated these two men above the rest of humanity. When their descendant and heir comes along as the Messiah, this latter Son of God was far more than just an honored man, for God commanded the angels to worship this One. So, while the angels are very powerful servants of His throne, this Son is the Heir of Heaven.

The author continues quoting various Psalms that identify Jesus the Messiah with descriptions and titles that can only mean this is God, and yet an extension of God. The Hebrew doctrine of Two Powers in Heaven is quite obviously where this points -- God and His Word. Thus, this Son was there at Creation and preexists all other beings. These are things God never said of anyone else, much less angels nor even the Divine Council.

Jesus Christ is the long-awaited promise that God would finally send a definitive representation of Himself to His people. He came, He taught, He paid the final price for our redemption. He is the New Covenant in Himself. The Old Covenant is closed; there's nothing to go back to.
Senior elder at

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NT Doctrine -- Hebrews 1 - by Ed Hurst - 08-10-2024, 04:12 PM

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