01-09-2024, 08:42 PM
(01-05-2024, 10:32 AM)davew9804 Wrote: After reading your post Ed, I must agree that It's Time. My wife and I left our church community as the pandemic started and have yet to return to any form of formal community worship. The pandemic for us, and I'm sure many others opened our eyes to how shallow and "worldly" most church bodies today really are. We have talked with many of our former congregants and they are also feeling the shallowness of the organized church and how really ineffective it is in influencing our current culture.
I am in the same boat as you. My church was doing remote services (meh), but things got too political and I had to bail. Now it's just myself on Sundays, reading the Bible. I wasn't too plugged into that church to begin with, so I didn't have too many contacts there to see how things were going.
And like you, I dislike not having a physical presence of other believers and church, as nominal as some of them might be.
Regardless, I am standing with you and Ed in prayer on this.