07-20-2022, 12:43 PM
I kinda thought, with my limited knowledge, would be the mid-terms. As in, it would go one way another, and it would appear to be rigged to one side, and that's what would light the fuse. It would probably be the right that explodes, since the left does the "allowable" stuff that can be contained: rioting or more channel-approved things like canvassing or using one of their propaganda outlets (which are everywhere). The right would actually take up arms. That's a big no-no. So if it were going to be the mid-terms, the rigging would have to be obvious and coming from/in favor of the left.
Who knows. The Green crap certainly is something to watch. Thinking of the Dutch farmers who were set off.
Who knows. The Green crap certainly is something to watch. Thinking of the Dutch farmers who were set off.