It's a mixture of things that includes a few physical therapy exercises. Ride my bike a couple of miles to the park. Engage an outdoor exercise machine for decline sit-ups, toe presses and a sliding backboard for one-legged half-squats. Ride another half-mile to a place where I can do a couple of therapy exercises that require standing from sitting and stepping up repeatedly. Then another mile ride to a place where I do leg-lifts on an inclined bench. Another quarter-mile to a different exercise machine where I do assisted pull-ups, back extensions, assisted bar-dips, and some more half-squats. Then another half-mile ride to a playground where I row my body up from a horizontal position, deep push-ups on an incline (arthritis exercise) and then arm curls using the same trick with my body starting at horizontal. Ride two miles home and workout with stretch bands: overhead press, upright row and reverse curls.
The idea is to push hard, but only one set each so that I don't over-stress my aging muscles. Keep in mind that every morning (except Sunday) I do a quick set of full-body tension exercises (the old Charles Atlas stuff) as part of my wake-up.
The idea is to push hard, but only one set each so that I don't over-stress my aging muscles. Keep in mind that every morning (except Sunday) I do a quick set of full-body tension exercises (the old Charles Atlas stuff) as part of my wake-up.