(10-20-2019, 08:46 AM)jaybreak Wrote: Thanks for the updates, Iain. Good to see you post here again.
Everything I learned about low blood sugar, I learned from the Godfather and my uncle and his insulin shots.
You won't have to worry about me coming that far down south. The furthest I've been is VA somewhere, and even then it was for only half a day. I'm not really the traveling type.
I'm sorry to hear that. But, then again you might love it and youd have to move and you don't want to uproot your family.
Note. When I say Yankee I'm speaking of that peculiar New Englander Puritanical trait of busybodyness and is not confined to a geographic location besides Pennsylvania wasn't colonized by East Anglians.
(10-20-2019, 08:57 AM)forrealone Wrote: Thank you, Jesus! I have been meaning to PM you but, alas, my burdens weighed me down far more than they should have and I have not. I am SO grateful to hear from you and the God blessed outcome of your family's scary moment. Praise the Lord!
And, yes, I get the disgust in your words about how people, even our 'own', who have lost the right way to treat each other with respect and compassion. I am happy to know that your community is a true one. I am blessed to live in a neighborhood that cares about each other and immediately comes to the other's aid whenever a situation calls for it.
God bless you, Iain and your family.
And, please do keep in touch with us more often. Though we may be remiss at times to check in with each other ourselves, at least we all know "We are Family"!
Love you, brother!
Right back at you, sis.