05-28-2019, 10:07 PM
(05-28-2019, 02:19 PM)IainH Wrote: Lightning is cool, especially when it hits close enough to where it's FlashKAPOW! and you smell ozone. I'll stay outside in it until I feel the static on my skin, then I retreat quickly indoors. Sometimes, I will walk up into the woods and try to find where which tree got hit. If I get lucky I will find one still smoking. The burn tracks are right interesting. Once back in the nineties, I was standing at the kitchen window of my folks house when one hit so close all I saw was a sheet on blinding white KAPOW!, Afterwards, Dad and I went to investigate and found the tree, it was 47 paces from the house. That was and remains the closest I ever want to get to a lightning strike. Just think, all that power is just an isty bitsy quark of what God has.
Maybe 6 or 7 years ago, lightning struck a tree right next to our house. The sound was horrifying. The lightning cut straight through the trunk, and sliced a big branch clean off.