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The Best Revenge
You may be aware of the harassment I took from "Zeno the Stoic." He ended up posting on his own blog about us being a dangerous cult. That's all fine and dandy; I didn't bother to read it. His thoughts are irrelevant. However, I am praying that the Lord notice and deal with the fellow as He sees fit. The best vengeance in this case would be for Zeno to repent and serve the Lord.
Senior elder at
(01-25-2019, 06:12 PM)Ed Hurst Wrote: You may be aware of the harassment I took from "Zeno the Stoic." He ended up posting on his own blog about us being a dangerous cult. That's all fine and dandy; I didn't bother to read it. His thoughts are irrelevant. However, I am praying that the Lord notice and deal with the fellow as He sees fit. The best vengeance in this case would be for Zeno to repent and serve the Lord.

You're not missing much. All the typical descriptions are used. You said your part, so the rest is the Lord's.
Church elder at
(01-25-2019, 06:12 PM)Ed Hurst Wrote: You may be aware of the harassment I took from "Zeno the Stoic." He ended up posting on his own blog about us being a dangerous cult. That's all fine and dandy; I didn't bother to read it. His thoughts are irrelevant. However, I am praying that the Lord notice and deal with the fellow as He sees fit. The best vengeance in this case would be for Zeno to repent and serve the Lord.
  I visited his blog, fortunately I erased the memory but, kept a few observations. For a supposed atheist, he sure spends a lot of time on religion and "spirituality" . I seriously doubt that the dude anything more than a cursory skipping through Scripture, cherry picking the parts he likes. I know people like that, they believe in their innate superiority of intellect. No humility, as far as I could find. Atheists claim to not believe in God but, they do worship idols. Science, the Theory of Evolution and the Perfection of Man. They accuse us of ignorance, intolerance and hypocrisy but, the truth is that these people possess these attributes in spades. I'll pray for this Zino fellow, I was a fool once myself but the Lord in His infinite mercy, bestowed faith in my heart and thus received Grace.

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