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Book Title Suggestions
Book 7 incoming, but I wanted ideas on the title, like I did with book 6. The title of book 6 was taken from one of the books compiled into it, "The Practice of Christian Mysticism." I thought might be good to do the same with this one, maybe "Radix Fidem: A New and Ancient Religion," but I don't know.

Any input? Here's the compilation listing:

Quote:Radix Fidem: A New and Ancient Religion
Christian Mysticism HOWTO
East versus West: A Review of Epistemology
Logic Games: Doctrine of the Fall
The Heresy of Dispensationalism
Theology and Practice for Radix Fidem
Three Types of Spiritual Gifts (1 Corinthians 12:1ff)
A Quantum Spirit
John 21: The Rehabilitation of Peter
The Cult
Biblical Human Development
The Nature of Sin and Temptation
S*x, P*rnography and Ch*ldren
Covenant Manhood
Church elder at
Sounds like a good choice to me.
Senior elder at
Good. I'll keep it as that unless I hear better suggestions. I like the paradox in the name. Smile
Church elder at

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