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Guess what?
In my prayer time I have been starting, after giving thanks, to pray for my enemies before I pray about anything else. I have noticed something. It is small but it is something . After I pray there is a incredible  stillness and calm surrounding me like a light weight drape almost substance but not quite. I am not seeking for this it’s just something. I am sure in my gut to keep praying for my enemies.
I also wanted to share a couple of passages from a prayer book I got called, Prayers by the Lake:
“The way to the kingdom of blessedness is not found, is not shown, and is not intersected. It is born in the soul when Life and Truth are born in her. If Life and Truth have been born in your soul, rejoice and be glad, for the Way has been born in it as well.”

“A madman says: “Look at my neighbor, an inveterate sinner, and see how his body blossoms with good health! Surely the sin of the soul does not harm the body,” says one who is out of his mind. Just wait, madman, just wait a little longer, until the dung of the soul emerges from the body. Then you will shut your mouth and flee from sins as though you were fleeing fetid putridity. Wait until a worm devours the inside of an apple, an you will be distressed to see its outside all faded and pale. Then you too will stand with the leper’s along the road and cry out like a man near death: “O Son of God, have mercy on me!” And then you will hear, and understand those salvation bearing words: “Your sins are forgiven; go in peace!””
Nikolai Velimirovich, 1921-1922
Interesting stuff. Sinners prosper only in the sense that their "prosperity" is of no significance. This life is all they have, and that's very sad.
Senior elder at
That quote reminds of me the saying: "There's no free lunch." The piper always gets paid one way or another, either in this life or the next.

On a side note, I work with someone with the last name of Velimirovich. It doesn't seem a common surname that I've come across.
Church elder at

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