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Half-century Ago
Today is the anniversary of the Watergate Scandal. I was a teenager when this happened, and I never understood it until much later. I'm not sorry to have seen Nixon pushed out of the White House, but Watergate was not his doing.

For the record: Evidence shows that Nixon's WH Counsel, John Dean, was the real crook. Dean was married to a woman who was a close associate (long term roommates) with prostitutes, pimped by the Mafia. The Mafia was providing the girls for a prostitution ring that was working through the Democratic National Convention HQ at the Watergate Hotel.

20 days before they were arrested, the burglars had managed to successfully bug one phone at the DNC offices. It was on the desk of a woman who apparently was coordinating this prostitution ring. Clients would look at a photo catalog and pick a girl, and she would meet the client either in the building or across the street in another hotel. Evidence indicates these prostitutes were spying on behalf of John Dean and his Mafia associates. This was the only bugging that happened in the DNC HQ.

10 days after that first burglary, the prostitution ring was caught by local cops, quite by accident, who had no idea what this operation was really for. So, John Dean ordered the burglars to go back and grab the evidence from the DNC to keep him from being implicated. He lied to G. Gordon Liddy what it was all about, and secretly countermanded Liddy's instructions to the burglary team. Liddy thought it was all about bugging the office of the leader of the DNC, and he provided all the necessities for that mission. However, the burglars were there to clean out that desk to keep anyone from finding out that John Dean was involved in the prostitution and the Mafia.

During the initial investigation, John Dean took advantage of his position to stay one step ahead of the FBI, essentially covering up his part in the scandal. When that failed to serve his purpose, and the investigation turned to the White House staff, he turned State's Evidence. In his testimony, he lied and turned the whole thing into a matter of what Nixon knew. Nixon only found out a small portion of this story afterward. There's no evidence he was even aware of the burglaries, much less ordered them. The investigation never went after Dean's Mafia connections, because he had already hidden that part. Thus, he sacrificed Nixon for his own hide.

To this day, most Americans have no idea what it was all about.
Senior elder at
Someone Twitter famous agrees with you:

He's likely controlled ops and whatnot. I don't know much about him, but still. I don't know much about Watergate because it was before my time, and I hate politics. Though, it seems like things as bad as Watergate happen daily, with all the stuff one could come across on the Internets. Even if 90% of that is bunk, that's still a lot of federal-level scandal.
Church elder at

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