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Pray for my grandkids safe journey
My son-in-law Bill and my two youngest grandchildren, ages 10 and 12, are flying out early tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. ET and heading for Las Vegas where they will be picked up by Bill's sister. They are then going to drive to the Grand Canyon for a couple of days and then drive up to where his sister lives in Salt Lake City Utah. They will fly back here in 8 days.

I have asked the Lord to put hedges of His angels around them and protect them every moment. I've asked Him to be with the pilots and all the crew and anybody that is anywhere around my children.

I told my kids (amongst other things) to always use sunscreen because it's hot out there but most importantly to always stay with their dad or their aunt.

Pray with me for them please for their safekeeping while they are gone.

Thank you my dear family
Lord, grant them safety and peace.
Senior elder at
Prayer has been lifted for traveling mercies and protection. Blessings to you.
Thanks guys.  Although I need to leave shortly to help my oldest, I am "watching" their plane on FlightAware site.

They are just about ready to come a bit north of OK airspace, Ed!
I assume they arrived safely?
Church elder at
(06-08-2022, 07:53 AM)jaybreak Wrote: I assume they arrived safely?
Yes, they did.  There was intense turbulence during the flight which frightened them greatly, but Our Father had them in His arms.  I have not heard directly from them, but they stayed at the Grand Canyon for a couple of days, then drove with their Dad and Auntie back to Salt Lake City where she lives.  They come home at 5am Sunday!  Guess they will probably be conked out the whole flight.

Thank you for your concern, Jay!
Thank you for the update Smile
Church elder at

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