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Hey.  I hadn't heard from my youngest for quite a while.  She has no phone that works and no internet access to email.  Last night there was a text from an unknown number, but it was from her.  There was no way for me to contact her as she said the phone wouldn't be available after that.  She and her boyfriend are now living down at the river.  I am not sure where the homeless colony is there, but i have no doubt there is no shelter, bathroom or other basics.  They have no car, no money and no roof.

With no transportation they can't get to other places/parts of the state where help may be,  provided their probation officer would sign off on it.  They did have a place to stay but their po said the folks they were staying with didnt pass background checks.  Shoot, most folks in this county probably wouldnt either. Its a rough/lawless part of the state.  Our county has no resources for folks such as them.  We can't put them up for so many reasons that would take too long to explain. 

Please pray that somehow  things will work out and doors will open up for them.  They do and have been learning to have faith; this is definitely a trial that will take them to the task.  Our Father knows and will do for them according to His plan.

I hurt for them and agonize over it, although i truly have given it to Him.
Yeah, typical of the American justice system to focus on rules instead of results. I'll pray that their faith be strengthened; God will see to the rest.
Senior elder at
Top of the list for sure.
Thank you sooo much.  Our might is in His Strength.
Geez, what a situation. You're not alone in this, as you well know (hopefully). Smile

Also, apologies for missing this thread. It was posted during a hellish week at work, so I kinda dropped off checking things here.
Church elder at

Guess this a good time to thank you, Jay and all, for your prayers and kind words.

My youngin has communicated albeit through others' phones (which i am leery of "unknown" callers) but at least I know she is no longer living "at the river".  One of her boyfriend's uncles, who also doesn't have his own roof over his head, has at least taken them into his car and along to wherever he can find a place to lay down his head.  So, at least she has a ride to make her probation appointments and not get in trouble that way.

I feel terrible that our system down here has nothing to offer folks in dire situations. I did get a few dollars to her so at least she can help with gas money.

I guess this is one of those "lift up to the Lord" for tomorrow?

"See you" at our prayer meeting.  (:^)

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