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One, two, shoot several.
I'm listening to Ol' Waylon sing "Lonesome, On'ry & Mean" now it's "I've Always been Crazy" two of my signature tunes and I feel that way this morning. I'm on my second cup of Joe so, I'm barely civil but, they ain't nobody around. Boy gets home in a little over an hour. Anyway I got a lot to do today so, I may miss prayer time but, y'all will be conversin' with Jesus all day. Ah Son House, all is well. Delta Blues, sweet.
  1. I'm getting behind on my bike and need to catch up. One reason, 
  2. The ball of my right foot around and into my big toe is swole up, pricklin' n red started yesterday. This is the third time and worst. I'm thinking gout. If I have time the next time it attacks I will go to Urgent Care and read. 
  3. I hobbled around and got some work done but, they ain't nobody ever satisfied with what I do, boo hoo. The other biological units of Helton Familial High Tension Heavy Manufacturing Concern Inc. each have demands on Prime Biological Unit: Parental Unit-Male. So I have much to do. "He'p me Lawd"
  4. I'm gonna with a humorous delivery drop the boom and tell them how God has ordered reality within HFHTHMC Inc. and see how they react when I tell them getting my wheels back on the road is our first priority, they are being obtuse and need to get over it. That'll do, I need to get goin'.
  Blessings sent "woooosh!" Heaven Postal Service "We're infinity G !" Angel

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