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02-06-2019, 12:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-06-2019, 12:42 PM by IainH.)
I'm installing the part I got for my car today. May it the one I need, if it is well "jolly good, Chaps, tallyho!" Sorry I watched a doc on the Spitfire & Battle of Britain , "cabbage crates coming over the briney!" It would not be normal for me to have the less expensive component be the one, so I ask for a special dispensation in this case to spare my usual bad luck. $70 may not sound like much but, if you're income is $0 it might as well be one thousand $.
I need to car back to search for work, scuttlebutt is ASU is hiring. I'm required to apply there and if this part works, fantastic, I can make other people happy. ASU is a good job no doubt, they have a nice benefits package. I, being a mere man, do not see how working there would follow my calling. So, what is my calling?
I tell you a story; one night a 21 year old kid and his friends were partying, at one point this went and got his new .22 rifle to show his friends, as he was passing it to one of his friends the rifle accidentally discharged sending a round through his friends heart. He was convicted for involuntary manslaughter because of his ignorance of firearms, he removed the magazine but didn't know to check the chamber. I met him while working in a restaurant kitchen. He was a nice kid but, troubled. All I did was be his friend and help keep his truck on the road. I didn't try to evangelize him but, he knew I believed in Jesus. So I showed him God's love. I don't know exactly where he is now, his hometown is Raleigh, NC. Working in restaurants, I meet guys like him all the time. Twenty five is the age that a young guy who's partied since high school has a gut check. I did and went into a fundamentalist evangelical rehab. I learned some valuable lessons but, on the other hand it taught me the practice of self flagellation, which is no way to grow as a Christian.
Pray for a guy named Eli, that that the Father will give him to Jesus.
Pray for my car repair and,
The right job at the right place. Being driven out of a job by Spirit, Angels, Demons or whatever, is not a pleasant experience.
Pray for my wife who turns forty ten, commonly known as 50.TODAY. She don't like birthdays especially new decade ones, this is her third since we've been married. I'd like to do something to let here know that despite rockiness, I do appreciate her keeping me alive and she is a good Mom.
Blessings sent forth.....Now!
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Amen, Brother. It's time we got this mission going across the land, and in accordance with my blog post today, that means infiltrating anywhere we can.
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(02-06-2019, 01:17 PM)Ed Hurst Wrote: Amen, Brother. It's time we got this mission going across the land, and in accordance with my blog post today, that means infiltrating anywhere we can.
I ain't read it yet but, THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!!! Got your attention..... Good, I don't believe you can create bad luck or good luck. Some people are luckier than others it seems but, I think it balances out. If you own an old car with 217,599 miles on it, it will break down, and I repair my car. The others go to Randall or Jerry, professionals.
As predicted the least expensive part in the two part combo, sadly, merrily and cussedly didn't fix the problem. To be inexpensive it was a dog to get off and the new one on. This means I need to buy the solenoid with shipping around $70. Why go we put the dollar sign before the number and say seventy dollars, shouldn't it be dollars seventy? Egad! I'm rambling again?
Pray I find the dollars seventy $70 somewhere because I have, like 6¢ SEE! Six cents by the dollar rule it should be cents six!
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Jehovah Jireh, our Provider He is. I'm praying for it.
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Iain, didn't you have that upholstering gig? Or is that ancient history?
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02-07-2019, 01:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-07-2019, 11:55 PM by IainH.)
(02-07-2019, 02:59 AM)jaybreak Wrote: Iain, didn't you have that upholstering gig? Or is that ancient history?
Well, as it turns out, a twenty year gap between the last and most recent attempt to do what wears out a man by 50, was more than I could bridge. I still have the skill to produce perfection in the craft of upholstery. To be able to make furniture in a factory one needs to be an assembler to make a living. When I was 35 I could do both. At 55 I cannot and I will not throw something together that's "good enough" but, to me looks like crap. I prefer to work with people whose primary language is English. Basic communication is possible but, explaining subtleties like what and why I'm different from Evies and Dispies is impossible. So, I thought I'd ride it out for a while. Now this job was my choice, as so often happens, when we get an idea we like or are making a choice just to please someone else, it becomes God's will!!! Yay!!
If you know better than to do this and shrug "aaah whatayagonnado. I need $" . This might just piss off God and He will turn his Wrath on you. I got wrathed out of that job. You remember my sanity crisis of December last. That was me being wrathed. I tread gingerly around choices now and make extra sure of the source. God or the many me's.
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I get you, although if it were a mistake that doesn't mean you were under wrath because of it. If it was your conviction at the time to take the gig then you were acting in good faith. God rewards that. But only you know for sure. We can't pass that judgment but we can support you in any way you need.
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02-08-2019, 03:23 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-08-2019, 09:29 AM by IainH.)
(02-07-2019, 10:33 PM)jaybreak Wrote: I get you, although if it were a mistake that doesn't mean you were under wrath because of it. If it was your conviction at the time to take the gig then you were acting in good faith. God rewards that. But only you know for sure. We can't pass that judgment but we can support you in any way you need.
No, I was after the $15/hr to basically piddle around AND I wanted my wife off my back. Wrath is the wrong word, chastisement is the right one but, wrath is way cooler and since I'm not all that concerned about NIT PICKING DETAILS, JAY! Pardon me, I apologize for raising my letters. I, obviously unsuccessfully in this case, try to paint word pictures and my granmet and speln sucks. I'm visually oriented so, I use words (a dictionary & thesaurus, sssh....don't tell, I don't want people to know how dumb I am, thanks mon, you ah'ite. It'll be our sittle lecret, ...wink*) to create what I see, in the hope that it's received in ones heart where it will be refined to fit that individual.
There was a capital K following the period in the last sentence, of my response to your 1st ? That wasn't noticed when I proofreddit. That was unintentional and sounds condescending. I fixed that. I alwaze read 'em lookin' for speln errors. It twernt there I sware.
The Devil did it. (Thanks Satan, yer always the patsy ain't cha? Did I ever tell you'uns about the time he rode in the passenger seat of my car? Maybe some other time. You talk about bizarre. Now that would be a surreal post.)
NOW FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT I SHALL REMOVE THE METAL TWISTY END PIECE OF A BROKEN BULB WITH A BUTTER KNIFE, WITHOUT UNPLUGGING IT. (This is a time shift: 41 years ago in a country where domestic outlets are 220 volts. we find out a possible cause of The Madness of Mr Iain....)
Buzz.clickityclicky Buzz.clickityclicky film start 5 boop 4 boop 3 boop 2 1. Boom poom bumpida boom poom boom boompity Boom Poom Theme music of Victory at Sea.....
A gangly teen zips down the stairs 3&4 attatime attatime he gracefully...swings around the bottom of the stairs
Too late we missed the action because some JERK! has to talk with HIS MOUTH FULL!
Ah well maybe another time...,..... What you want to know what happens? What you think? The intro's full of spoilers!
> Hey now...I do not look like Roger Ebert, I'm more li...pause to consider..
>How long's he been dead?..... Mmm that long? Wow. Ok perhaps I look like he does NOW.. Yeah...what? really? Ok.
Myself sez I look like the mutant offspring of Siskel AND Ebert can you not like that guy?
Ok..OK!..sheesh, the nerve of some people, I tell ya.
Kid knocks over lamp, bulb busts AAAHHHH! His mother will be home soon aaah!!!!! PING! He rushes and gets another bulb..Hurry,,,,,Robert's Golden child this week and I'm dirt...hurry!!!!! How am I gonna get this thing out. PING "butter knife!" Yes! Kid gets knife, stick in the broken end of the POWHAP! THWUMP! Kid receives shock and slammed against the wall. Now dazed but he must get it out before "She who must be obeyed" gets h "What's going on here, Iain?"
OH SHIT! I.. I.. The lamp bulb, the lamp bul PING! I was turning on the lamp and it blew up! " oh please dear God help Kid looks at Mother, scared shitless. Sociopathic mother scans memory banks for appropriate emotion to fake. BING!
"Oh..son" Kid thinks "YES! Now I'm Golden Child, T.S. big bro it's your turn in the crosshairs."
The preceding was true, although "Golden Child" as an identifier my brother named later I was aware that she played favorites. The terror is also true. She is 81 and moved back to her precious Scotland two years ago, I don't hear from her very often, I can't do anything for her. She is a sociopathic, narcissist. Her center of attention getter is being "sick". The most recent was an announcement "I have breast cancer" which was a lie. Truth, she had a tiny lump which turned out to be benign. She does have mild dementia. She rode the breast cancer train for nine months before she told the truth. Confronting her with it at this point is pointless. Ooh what a bummer. Ah'ite "Run to the light, boy. Run to the light"
Sshhhhwwwwiiiiiizzzzzzz POP! TA DA!
I found out what unconditional love is between 12:28 and 12:38 am, 02/22/01 in a birthing room at Watauga Medical Center, the time is between when the Dr marked the birth of and the first "WAAAH! of my son, the sweetest sound I ever heard Ten minutes. I was 37. I love that boy, even if he's being a knucklehead, it's the phase when I'm the stupidest man alive (true but, don't tell him that, he'd grow another knucklehead) Nineteen months after "" introduced himself so dramatically, my daughter was born by cesarean, I saw her first and exclaimed "She's got hair!"
Megan is my anchor, my bestest, good friend. My wife's a pretty good ol' gal too, she's put up with me for 25, shoot! Four months and it will be 26 years.
I've "wat Pooh" 25,000 times, then "Tubbie tubbies", Pocahontas, Lion King, The Jungle Book and Aristocats til I turned blue. Read Good Night God "Aanngel" and Green Eggs and Ham til I memorized them and could quote while watching their cuteness. And on and on. Not one day in daycare. I learned to live on three ours sleep, because as soon as Mama was out the door, they were jumping on the bed "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy,Daddy,Daddy!" .:" eergh..Hulk smash where coffee? " In two years they'll be gone. Where does the time go.
Time for bed, I'm starting to feel morose. "Good night, God" I love you.
*From My inner Otis Campbell, "hic how the he ll R ya thish marmim hicuh....I II Luv u guizzh"
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It's too bad no one would ever make a movie from what's in your head, Iain. That would be more entertaining than anything I could buy right now. My own experiences in life were a lot more mundane. For example, my nightmares were reversed, coming from my dad, while mom was more sensible for me. It's the American way, you see. And all of my zaps came from the much more tame 110v US consumer appliances. Yeah, my story is boring compared to yours, but I'll stand with Jay and affirm that you are a gift from God worthy of our affection and support. May the Lord plant you in a job that matches His mission for you.
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02-09-2019, 12:42 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-09-2019, 01:19 AM by IainH.)
(02-08-2019, 10:24 AM)Ed Hurst Wrote: It's too bad no one would ever make a movie from what's in your head, Iain. That would be more entertaining than anything I could buy right now. My own experiences in life were a lot more mundane. For example, my nightmares were reversed, coming from my dad, while mom was more sensible for me. It's the American way, you see. And all of my zaps came from the much more tame 110v US consumer appliances. Yeah, my story is boring compared to yours, but I'll stand with Jay and affirm that you are a gift from God worthy of our affection and support. May the Lord plant you in a job that matches His mission for you.
Jeez, I'm just scratching the surface. I do have super-conductivity. A normal human being can die with between 0.1 and 0.2 amps. One night I was trying to figure out why a machine I was mechanicing had an electrical problem. An electric motor had quit. After a bit, I opened the main power cabinet to check relays. This a triple phase 360V 1800 amp main. The other second shift mechanic just happened to come by.
Doc "What's going on?"
Me "Well Doc this blah blah....long..explanation...I'm wondering about this" I point at a component just below the main fuse....KAPOW!!! I missed and touched the main power input. That's the above. 9000 times the lethal dose. My response "Damn, that sunuvabitch got some kick!"
Doc " Are you okay man? " Huge goggle eyes looking at me in shock.
Me "You smell that, that's ozone. I can taste it too...Doc look at hair on my arms they're stickin up"
Then we laughed about it. I was was not my time to die. I know a man whose son was killing wiring a household breaker panel 60 amps.
I always respect electricity. I had "Snap On" burned into the palm of my hand from tightening a side terminal battery. The wrench in my hand touched both terminals 650 amps. That hurt morer and longer than the Big Jolt.
The first season of Moonshiners was quite funny when a drunk "Tickle" was standing on a beam and fell splat his middle on the beam and went ass over into a P.U. bed. I laughed so hard because I done the same things years before.
Super Dave Osborne, a great Canadian, I think was funny. Then came Jackass and it was just stupid and nasty.
Where I grew up was a safe place and as kids, after breakfast, we would jump on our bikes and be gone all day doing stupid stunts, pre-BMX days. Evel Knievel was my hero. Anything with a gap 6tt or more was fair game, we would spend all day shoveling dirt, laying old boards whatever it took. I had to be first. I never got hurt, it was the ones who lost their nerve past the point of no return that did and they weren't allowed to play with us no more. Seeing how fast you could go down steep hills, great fun and reasonable safe on a bike, skateboards were different small wheels and a piece of gravel could ruin your day. That's when there was a spike in broom "borrowings".
Kids today have no idea what fun is! True dat my bruthah!
PS. Helmets???? What! On a Bicycle! A Skateboard! Are you crazy! Kids need to get knocked around a bit bumps bruises road rash. That's why this late generation is a bunch of pantywaists.
(02-09-2019, 12:42 AM)IainH Wrote: (02-08-2019, 10:24 AM)Ed Hurst Wrote: It's too bad no one would ever make a movie from what's in your head, Iain. That would be more entertaining than anything I could buy right now. My own experiences in life were a lot more mundane. For example, my nightmares were reversed, coming from my dad, while mom was more sensible for me. It's the American way, you see. And all of my zaps came from the much more tame 110v US consumer appliances. Yeah, my story is boring compared to yours, but I'll stand with Jay and affirm that you are a gift from God worthy of our affection and support. May the Lord plant you in a job that matches His mission for you.
Jeez, I'm just scratching the surface. I do have super-conductivity. A normal human being can die with between 0.1 and 0.2 amps. One night I was trying to figure out why a machine I was mechanicing had an electrical problem. An electric motor had quit. After a bit, I opened the main power cabinet to check relays. This a triple phase 360V 1800 amp main. The other second shift mechanic just happened to come by.
Doc "What's going on?"
Me "Well Doc this blah blah....long..explanation...I'm wondering about this" I point at a component just below the main fuse....KAPOW!!! I missed and touched the main power input. That's the above. 9000 times the lethal dose. My response "Damn, that sunuvabitch got some kick!"
Doc " Are you okay man? " Huge goggle eyes looking at me in shock.
Me "You smell that, that's ozone. I can taste it too...Doc look at hair on my arms they're stickin up"
Then we laughed about it. I was was not my time to die. I know a man whose son was killing wiring a household breaker panel 60 amps.
I always respect electricity. I had "Snap On" burned into the palm of my hand from tightening a side terminal battery. The wrench in my hand touched both terminals 650 amps. That hurt morer and longer than the Big Jolt.
The first season of Moonshiners was quite funny when a drunk "Tickle" was standing on a beam and fell splat his middle on the beam and went ass over into a P.U. bed. I laughed so hard because I done the same things years before.
Super Dave Osborne, a great Canadian, I think was funny. Then came Jackass and it was just stupid and nasty.
Where I grew up was a safe place and as kids, after breakfast, we would jump on our bikes and be gone all day doing stupid stunts, pre-BMX days. Evel Knievel was my hero. Anything with a gap 6tt or more was fair game, we would spend all day shoveling dirt, laying old boards whatever it took. I had to be first. I never got hurt, it was the ones who lost their nerve past the point of no return that did and they weren't allowed to play with us no more. Seeing how fast you could go down steep hills, great fun and reasonable safe on a bike, skateboards were different small wheels and a piece of gravel could ruin your day. That's when there was a spike in broom "borrowings".
Kids today have no idea what fun is! True dat my bruthah!
PS. Helmets???? What! On a Bicycle! A Skateboard! Are you crazy! Kids need to get knocked around a bit bumps bruises road rash. That's why this late generation is a bunch of pantywaists.
Well I don't know about the first part but I agree with him about these young people. Take my Bobby for example just the other.
Oh, yes you're right. I guess I got a uh caught up in the moment. Sorry folks,, remember Strick SCUFFLE land Propane..MORE STRUGGLE muffled for all your Propane needs! SLAMM!!!