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Standing Amazed!
On Wednesday evening, as I was walking from my car to the Church, I started singing "I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene". It is a blessing He grants me every time I'm on my way into the building, I'm not much of a singer but, I am loud and it never fails to bring a smile to someone's face. At least once and oftentimes many times a day, I'm literally amazed by our Lord and the fact he picked a sad sack like me for His own. It's ALL His doing, it wasn't earned, it wasn't a rational choice I picked from two alternatives. No, it was Christ alone, His grace brought me to faith in Him. I'm just a little fish in a little pond yet I can do great things. Great things that the fallen world sees as insignificant, lifting the spirits of a brother or sister who needs a boost is a great thing. To bring a blessing of comfort and joy to people is the highest service I can do in the service of Jesus Christ our Lord. So, for you, my brothers and sisters at Radix Fidem I send you a gift of joy this weekend and may God bless you all. Be Amazed at the great things He is doing in your lives. You are important in the Kingdom. Rejoice! Praise! Bless! We are His family, sought out and treasured by the Creator of All Things. Wow, this is huge... I must tell someone before this weekend is out. I better go fire up old Cannonball and take a ride on the Parkway.
Wow!  What a ray of His Love just shone on me, bringing chills and a smile into my heart!  Bless you, brother!  ☺
Your words brought tears of recognition and joy to my eyes, Iain.
Senior elder at
Well, this is certainly a good turn of events. Smile Thanks for sharing, Iain.

Were you able to ride like you wanted?
Church elder at
Wow! God is good!

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