Radix Fidem
Introduction and User Guide - Printable Version

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Introduction and User Guide - jaybreak - 12-27-2017

A Brief Introduction
We here at Radix Fidem are a church based on the ANE (Ancient Near East) philosophy of heart-led living. We hold that the heart, as opposed to the mind, is the best and only way to connect to the divine nature of God; it employs our sensus divinitatis, our "sense of the divine," and is the way we as created beings can partake in God's plans here on earth. It is not the "heart" of Occident pop-philosophy, which equate the with fleeting sentiment or worldly desires. The heart is separate from our rational faculties, which only hold use in discerning and manipulating the physical domain. 

By this commitment, and others, we distinguish ourselves from the tradition of the majority of established western Christianity. We are not the first to do this, for sure, but we are one of the very few who are calling it out emphatically as a corporate distinctive.

A Less Brief Introduction
Ed, our Senior Elder, wrote a book that explains in detail what we're called to do, both here in the forum and outside of it. Below are links to forum posts, but the book in its entirety can be read on Smashwords for free.
Chapter 1: A Matter for the Heart
Chapter 2: Two Realms
Chapter 3: Cascading Dependencies
Chapter 4: Not By Human Power
Chapter 5: The Covenant
Chapter 6: A Pattern for Living
Chapter 7: How We Live
Chapter 8: Not Green
Chapter 9: Implications

Extended Reading
Read Ed's new book, The Heart of Biblical Living, at Smashwords.

About the book:

"We are Radix Fidem, a Christian community. We would like to see a revival of the Ancient Hebrew outlook behind the Bible. We aren't trying to build up our own organization, but hope to develop an informal society of like minded people alongside their current church affiliations. To that end, we offer this examination of what we believe will help people discover something long ignored in Church History, which we call heart-led Christian faith. This isn't a long book, so we hope you'll take the time to investigate whether our experiences have any use for you."

Leadership Team
Click here for our eldership team. They function as essentially the admins of this site, and are denoted by an "Elder" designation in the user title, which is visible on forum posts, etc.

Ed Hurst - Senior Elder
Jay DiNitto (jaybreak) - Junior Elder and main admin for this site

About User Titles
Any registered user can change their title to whatever they want, but "Church Elder" titles are reserved for actual church elders, who belong to the actual "Elder" forum user group. We presume the honor system regarding user titles, but if you are not a Radix Fidem elder and you change your user title to "Elder," you'll receive a warning and/or possible ban.

If there's any doubt as to who is an elder and who's not, always check the Elder user group page. Non-elders will not be listed there.

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