Radix Fidem
Prayer for my heart please - Printable Version

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Prayer for my heart please - forrealone - 10-14-2024

I do have a prayer request for myself - in the last two weeks, I have had four tests related to my carotid arteries and heart.  Through a series of events, beginning with that baby shower on Sept. 29th and a visit to the ER, the Lord has pushed me to get checked out and I have found that I have some possibly serious health issues that I was totally unaware of until now.  My family doctor is SO good about having me do testing, but somehow these conditions snuck in unwares to all of us.  Each of the test results shows an anomaly or condition that is not good, but I'm not a doctor.

So, I could use some prayers that in the days ahead as I do one more test (heart stress test) and see a vascular surgeon (on October 25th), that the Lord will stay with me and protect me from what could turn out to be quite serious, as in a stroke or heart attack.  I have tremendous faith in Him, so I am not worried as much as I could be.  And, if my time has come, I have had almost 74 years of a good life and I am ready.  We, who believe, know what lies ahead to those who have faith and we know the promise of eternity.

Thank you all for being there for me!!

Love you.....

RE: Prayer for my heart please - Ed Hurst - 10-14-2024

We stand with you, Sister. May the Lord grant you answers and His peace.

RE: Prayer for my heart please - jaybreak - 10-15-2024

Whatever happens, it sounds like you have the right attitude and view of things. You can't go wrong. We will of course stand in prayer with you, like Ed said.