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Metal in Peruvian skull - Printable Version

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Metal in Peruvian skull - jaybreak - 05-14-2024

Vox Day posted about this a few days ago, and I checked out further information. Looks like it's a OKC museum, Ed.

Ancient surgical implant or modern-day fake? Peru skull leaves mystery.

Quote:An elongated, cone-shaped skull with a possible metal implant could represent some of the earliest evidence from Peru of an ancient surgical implant. Or it could be a modern-day fake.

The fact that the skull, which was donated to the Museum of Osteology in Oklahoma City, has a cone shape is nothing too unusual, as Peruvians during ancient times were known to squeeze children's heads with bands during development to achieve the distinctive shape.

However, the metal implant in this skull is highly unusual and, if authentic, would potentially be a unique find from the ancient Andean world.

If it's not a fake--faking human remains is difficult to pull off but it's been done before--then it definitely surfaces a lot of questions.

RE: Metal in Peruvian skull - Ed Hurst - 05-14-2024

I've long noticed that museum, but never felt it was worth the time to visit. But in keeping with Vox's point, so little is offered in a standard education that I am hardly surprised by anything any more.