Radix Fidem

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The hullabaloo about the huge number of children supposedly raped and murdered at the Kamloops Residential Indian School was all a lie. The whole story rested on a very low quality ground radar check by one person with an agenda. Meanwhile, the natives who actually went to the school said it was wonderful. The tribal chief who asked for the school to be built on tribal grounds loved it. And when someone actually decided to go back and check physically where there was supposed to be a mass grave found only tree roots and other typical disturbances in the ground, but no bodies. You can read the story here. A longer version of the original story is here.
As a commenter on your first link there said, stuff like this doesn't get national attention unless someone wants it there. Dead children = big bucks for some Inner Party folks and their lackeys.
Exactly. This is where the biggest stories come from these days. The MSM is our enemy.