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Again, this is not a prophecy. It's just the inclinations of my heart.

So far as I know, we all tend to believe that the Lord will use the sun as a major element of His wrath on America (and naturally, the rest of the world, but that's outside the boundaries of my mission). And we've shared a bit about things we might do to prepare for such an event. In Iain's prophecy, some of that was tied to a reduction in the use of computer devices. I've been praying for clarification on that. In response, the Lord has moved me to make certain preparations, but has not given me any details about why.

So I'm just guessing here, doing my best to extrapolate backwards. I suspect the Net will become unusable, but not necessarily as a direct result of the sun's activity. Rather, that activity will become the excuse for human choices that, in the aggregate, will make the Net far less usable. While I can imagine all kinds of things along those lines simply because I've learned a lot about the technology and protocols of Internet traffic, I suspect there are some surprises being planned already, choices we would not expect. Certain actors in the government in concert with major corporate service providers will seek to shut down anything resembling free communications. We are already seeing plenty of this; it would be a matter of plugging the gaps that currently remain open.

So I just imagine a big flare/CME situation that wasn't quite enough to actually shut down the electrical grid would become the excuse to limit traffic to authorized uses, as it were. You can guess where that might lead. Of course, it could be any number of excuses TPTB might cook up, but that would be one easy to imagine. What I'm suggesting here is that things will go bad in stages, not all at once. I expect the tribulation to drag on for a long time. So at some point will come restrictions, then some more restrictions, and then maybe the hand of God will come and finish it all off in a big way later.

Meanwhile, we should see any number of other serious problems crop up with economic decline, political drama that goes off the scale, warfare without actually war declarations, and natural disasters that no one connects to the solar cycles. The conviction-led preparations seem to point to something far less than a full-on apocalypse all at once. It will take a long time to reach the crescendo, and preparations that are possible today will only take us just so far along that path. This thing has a very long tail. Some of what I feel moved to do right now makes no sense at all for what I can see coming in the near term. I'm gathering stuff for which I currently see no use at all. I can imagine some possible uses, but I know without a doubt that I'm only guessing.

That's what I see; I could be wrong, but it's what my convictions tell me.
If the internet grid goes down, how would that affect the totalitarianism we live under?
Could this be a mixed a blessing then?
Depends on why it goes down. If it stops working for everyone, it would most certainly be a problem for government bureaucracies. That would likely contribute to weakening centralized federal power. It would also weaken state governments, though a great many rural counties were never fully automated in that sense, so it would only make them busier than usual. There are ways around it for some federal agencies, but most will grind to a halt until they switch back to paper. The bigger threat is if something fries electronics in general. Just about everything would come to a halt for a very long time.

Stop and think about how many typewriters the federal government owned up through the 1980s, and how they disposed of them. Last I heard, those were not put into storage, but were liquidated. So, yes, it would really hinder centralized power, but not end it by itself.
My brain was down a rabbit trail the other day, thinking about the volcanic activity near the island of Tonga, and the tsunami that pulsed around the globe and then bounced back. It made me wonder if/how the sun was involved in setting off the flooding of Noah's day.

We have an amazing Creator. Computer programs create environments with rules that will react in certain ways, given certain inputs. God created the laws of physics that describe how everything physically relates to everything else. Words fail to adequately describe Him.
If you go by what Suspicious Observers say, most volcanic activity is provoked by subtle shifts in geomagnetic and geoelectric activity caused by the sun. The problem is that it hasn't been studied in enough detail to nail down the mechanics. There's a lag time between the provocation and the result that makes it challenging to explain. There are cycles we still don't recognize. Yes, it's amazing how God made these things operate.
All of this kinda makes me wish I knew more about electrical grids and electrical engineering things in general. Some of the basics are easy to understand at the hobbyist level, but it's not on my plate right now.

I am replacing a wall outlet tonight, though, with my son. So that's something, at least. Smile
I have one advantage in some of this: I worked casual labor for some years, and was sent out to tackle all kinds of different jobs. That included helping a local electrical cooperative in one place. I became familiar with how at least a smaller grid was laid out and what had to be present for it to work. But I learned about networking grids on my own time many years later.