Radix Fidem

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I bought 80 NKJV Bibles and they arrived today. What for? Don't know. 
I was following a Divine moral imperative as laid on my heart by the Spirit of the Living God. It occurred to me as 200 Bibles about a month and a half ago but, something wasn't right. Then, last week it came to me to purchase one box of 40, somehow I ordered 2 boxes and didn't find out I received my invoice. Maybe, I have to go through a lot of dead souls to find a receptive heart. "Dammit Iain, quit overthinking stuff!"
Looks like a give-away coming up. My wife and I bought a dozen hymnals a few years back, simply because we expected the house church to grow. It hasn't yet, but there's some big changes coming, and we don't regret it at all.
More Bibles couldn't hurt, even if we're just talking about practical circumstances and methods. Unless, of course, it does hurt.
It may well be folly but, I followed my conviction that it was my Lord's will to do so.