Radix Fidem

Full Version: Print Book #5 Incoming
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Pages: 1 2
I'm starting on book #5 tonight. No title yet, but these are the books included:
Ancient Truth: The Gospels
Commentary on Matthew 24-25
The Mind of Christ
Soul Seeds: Parables
Gospel Red Herring: Spiritualizing the Text

So...the title will be gospel- or Jesus-related in some way. I'm good with names but I will take any suggestions. For references, here are the other titles. Notice a pattern?:
Ancient Truth: Acts, Letters, and Revelation
Ancient Truth: Moses and the Prophets
Ancient Truth: Old Testament History
Ancient Truth: Wisdom Literature
How about "Studies in the Gospels"?
Gospel is Good News, yes?   

Ancient Truth: The Good News Message  ????

Nice to bounce around ideas, but I have no involvement in this.  I just like to put in my 2 cents worth.   Smile
What do we think of "Ancient Truth: Studies in the Gospels"? Combine both suggestions. There's only one Ancient Truth book included here, technically, but I like being parallel where I can.
I'll take it. Got graphics for the cover?
(11-19-2022, 01:05 PM)Ed Hurst Wrote: [ -> ]I'll take it. Got graphics for the cover?

I have a few things, but nothing definite...I'm close to the cover phase now. Send me anything you have Smile
I like this one, but you can find a ton of stuff by the painter, Julius Schnoor, that covers the Gospels.

(11-23-2022, 09:14 AM)Ed Hurst Wrote: [ -> ]I like this one, but you can find a ton of stuff by the painter, Julius Schnoor, that covers the Gospels.

I've always liked the complex lithographic style, so I may use that. I was drawn (haha) to interior book illustrations since I was very young.
I forgot the proper attribution for that image:

"Christ at the Sea of Galilee" by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, from Die Bibel in Bildern, 1860 -- public domain.
We are live!

Ancient Truth: Studies in the Gospels

The preview image of the cover has the Schnorr painting off center. It's been fixed, so the actual book won't look like that. I suppose it takes some time for those images to update.
Pages: 1 2