Radix Fidem

Full Version: God Is Unsurprised
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Nothing catches Our Father off guard. There is already a ton of commentary and analysis about the fracas in the Ukraine. There's no point in my adding to the noise. You already know how to find out what you want to know about it. I'll say just this: The primary field of action will be in economics, not in military maneuvers.

In ages past the Lord raised up powerful empires that didn't know Him, like Assyria and Babylon, to discipline His people. It hurt them so bad because they needed the discipline. I'm convinced it's possible to be among the few who need no such discipline, so that these things don't bring fear. We already knew bad times were coming, and we have been talking about how to prepare for it. Because sin has been unrestricted, the Lord will not spare on His wrath. This is just getting started.

May the Lord bring us to the place where peace with Him is all we care about.
Amen to that.

I don't know much about what's going over there in the first place. Politics isn't so much my thing, as you probably know, but foreign politics are even more far removed. All of the signs that what we in the U.S. know about the Ukraine vs Russia is propaganda theatre, because most people that I'm reading about are expressing support on all one side: the Ukraine/anti-Russia side. There's no trust to be had in any news reports or even videos or testimonies about what is happening over there. We can only trust God is moving in some fashion, and for some reason, over there.